Search Result for “ban”

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Privacy a double-edged sword

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 13/10/2010

» Trust. It's one of those things that takes forever to build yet can be destroyed all too easily.


To BB or to not BB, that is the question

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 11/08/2010

» Poor Research in Motion. The news of the launch of BlackBerry OS 6 and the new BlackBerry Torch was all but overshadowed by news of how the forces of morality and control had taken the opportunity to declare war on BlackBerry Messaging and privacy in general.



The few hopes and many frustrations of a telco boss

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 16/06/2010

» Everything stopped after the latest round of public hearings. The key points that have led to the delay are the mixed political signals regarding concession conversion (ending 2G concessions and turning them into licenses) and the migration to 3G, and the effect this would have on the revenue streams of CAT and ToT. Then there was the question of the legitimacy and power of the caretaker National Telecommunications Commission (NTC). This had to be referred to the Council of State and things got bogged down there.


Dtac announces network upgrade

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 17/03/2010

» Dtac has launched its Apple iPhone 3G and 3G offerings along with the announcement of the completion of a network upgrade that means it is now the first telco to have EDGE in every cellsite nationwide, with top speeds of 120 to 200 Kbps. The telco has also launched a new series of price plans that together will see it shift over a hundred thousand iPhones to the Thai market this year.


Big Brother is watching - and waiting to break down your doors

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 24/02/2010

» What do the GT200 magic wand and the Internet Sniffer project have in common? Both are an assault on privacy and allow the state to pick on anyone at will.


Stating the obvious: The GT200 is a fraud

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 10/02/2010

» It's the emperor's new clothes all over again. The GT200 is a fraud, but why are people so scared to say it?


Evolution, not revolution, of telecoms

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 13/01/2010

» So the Google Super-phone, the Nexus One, has finally been unveiled to the world after a gestation that had many guessing and teetering at the edge of their seats for months. Watching to the streaming video press conference, I could not help but feel that for the most part it was evolution, not revolution, at least when it came to the product. The real revolution was in the way the archaic telecommunications sector in the United States is poised to be shaken up.