Search Result for “allowed”

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Words you don't really want to hear

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/12/2022

» It's that time of the year when publishers of major dictionaries bombard us with what they regard as the "words of the year". They rarely agree on the same offering, but there is one common theme -- nearly all words selected are frankly rather depressing.



How the Minions Became Hollywood's Mightiest Franchise

Business, Published on 26/09/2022

» They are on Walmart shelves, candy wrappers and dog costumes. They are in theme parks in Florida and Southern California. They have appeared on Inc. delivery boxes, chickpea snack bags and Tic-Tac containers.



Redefining norms

Guru, Published on 25/02/2022

» Fashion is a form of self-expression, it tells the wearer's story. It can indicate who they are, their tastes, their ideologies and so many more social cues. For those who wish to stand out and challenge fashion and societal norms, Guru has complied a few choices.



Hollywood Movies Flood Piracy Sites Hours After Release

Business, Published on 27/08/2021

» Millions of people are watching high-quality, pirated online versions of Hollywood's top movies sooner than ever after their releases, undermining potential ticket sales and subscriber growth as the industry embraces streaming.


Netizens call for 'Mulan' film boycott

News, Kornchanok Raksaseri, Published on 07/09/2020

» Twitter users in Thailand are debating a campaign to ban the Disney movie Mulan.



Italy tests lockdown; global cases near 110,000: Virus update

Published on 09/03/2020

» Italy started its first working day after a government decree sought to curb movement within the country’s financial hub. Germany plans to boost investment to help its economy and the Trump administration is drafting measures to blunt the economic fallout from the outbreak.



Online safety for children is everyone's responsibility

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 07/05/2018

» Shutting children away behind closed doors, away from prying eyes and with no internet, can protect them up to a point. But preventing children from engaging with the world hurts their development in the long run.



A big Hollywood night in a #MeToo moment

Life, Published on 06/03/2018

» The first Oscars of Hollywood's post-Harvey Weinstein era took care of its serious business at the start. As the 90th Academy Awards got under way on Sunday night, host Jimmy Kimmel addressed the sexual harassment scandals that have rocked Hollywood.



The music of James Bond

Life, Harry Rolnick, Published on 02/11/2017

» If you want to win a sure-fire bet, just ask any moviegoer, any fan of the James Bond films: "Who composed the theme that goes through every single James Bond movie? The one that goes dum di-di dum dum dum?



The gift of reading

Life, Published on 12/12/2016

» It's that time of year when we ask people in different fields to share one book they've read, loved and would recommend as a New Year pressie