Search Result for “allowed”

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Learning tough lessons on the field

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 13/01/2016

» Over the past week, there have been two viral video clips that have captured wide public attention and sparked off massive internet outbursts. The first incident occurred right here in Bangkok and is currently making headline news, and involved a fabricated accusation of road rage. The accuser, who backed up his pick-up truck and ran over a mid-sized sedan during a fit of road rage, made up a false report of the incident without knowing his actions had been captured on video.


Too much on the plate of consumers

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 02/10/2015

» As children, we were taught to eat every single grain of rice on our plate. This was to treasure the hard work of rice farmers, as well as pay respect to rice: our dietary staple and part of our culinary heritage.


Getting away from it all, and bringing more back

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 08/01/2015

» The holiday travelling season is over. So I'm sure many of my fellow Thais have a fresh experience of fak sue khong, which loosely translates to "asking someone to buy something for you".


Running away from parental responsibility

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 15/07/2014

» Last month, a family from the country found out that they had inadvertently built up a huge bill by purchasing items in a smartphone game and thus owed a fortune to a telecommunications company. The story hit the news and caused a public outcry and from what I know, at least three similar incidents have since become public knowledge.


Reflection on perfection

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 04/01/2013

» A few months ago my son eagerly asked if life could ever be perfect. It was a surprising question from an eight-year-old and led to a pleasant discussion about the chances people have to seek a perfect life. We came to the conclusion that, in reality, it's impossible for anyone to have all the advantages: in this case wealth, health, talent, physical beauty and happiness.