Search Result for “airport”

Showing 19,861 - 19,870 of 19,924


Prospects for ending the death penalty in Thailand

Jon Fernquest, Published on 14/12/2010

» During the last decade executions trickled to a halt in Thailand. Will a new law end them completely? Or will they begin anew?


Finally, a fun, quick way to read Thai - really!

Learningpost, Dr B James Johnson, Published on 14/12/2010

» If a stranger told you that there is a Namibia-born South African who has been in Thailand only fi ve years and who could teach anyone to read Thai in a weekend, would you believe her? Gary Orman is that man and he promises that his "Read Thai in a Weekend" rapid language learning method can do just that. I repeat: in just two days (actually only 12 hours when you subtract the time for long lunches and multiple coffee klatches). If this sounds incredulous to you, you are not alone.


International forgery gangmembers arrested

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 03/12/2010

» DSI says members of a transnational passport forgery gang with links to terrorist groups have been arrested here in Thailand.


Free labour market for ASEAN

Jon Fernquest, Published on 29/11/2010

» Setting aside differences and conflicts, free labour markets across ASEAN may be the best path to prosperity and antidote for poverty in the region.


Just kidding

Database, Published on 24/11/2010

» Because of the weak economy, the so-called lame duck session of the post-election US Congress focussed on helping the poor and creating jobs, jobs, jobs; heh, just kidding, Congress got down to rushing through the strongest, most revolting censorship legislation in US history; Coica, shorthand for the Combatting Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act, would allow... no, order the US attorney-general to block access to any websites which are "dedicated to (copyright) infringing activities" by wiping its domain name from the Domain Name Servers, meaning for the entire world; an unaccountable bureaucrat will make up the list of websites to ban and will not entertain appeals quickly or very seriously; Hollywood and the untalented ten-percenters who run the music industry were high-fiving and popping the champers corks even before the bill actually passed.


Trip to jail

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 21/11/2010

» An unwise plan to delay his flight got a man a different kind of trip.



Taking no chances

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 17/11/2010

» Thai authorities left nothing to chance as they extradited alleged arms smuggler Viktor Bout yesterday.


Giants face off

Database, Published on 17/11/2010

» Google and Facebook got into the ring's red and blue corners for a facedown and standoff that could develop into quite a good battle; the lead-up came when Google changed the terms of service for access to Google Mail contacts, meaning essentially that Facebook couldn't just grab that address list and spam everyone in it begging for new customers; a few days later, Facebook found a way around the Google restrictions, and Google emailed tech writers to say they were "disappointed" in Facebook's going behind their backs; Facebook itself does not allow even Facebook users to export all the data they put on their walls, specifically the list of friends.


Flight caught, man caught too

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 15/11/2010

» It seems like people will do anything to catch an airline flight.


If you need to get iLife, don't do it by mail

Database, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 10/11/2010

» I thought I had been smart by ordering iLife online as there were no copies in the shops, but I watched the online tracking as it remained at the airport for several days: Clearance delay. I checked with DHL on Thursday and was told that this was due to Customs. I think she meant with a large "C". I made a final check on Friday evening. I look forward to Apple's online software facility and downloading directly: no disks; no frustrating waits.