Search Result for “airport”

Showing 51 - 60 of 90



Opening up duty-free

News, Editorial, Published on 01/11/2018

» As the auction for the concession to operate the duty-free zone at Suvarnabhumi airport comes closer, the fate of an underachieving industry hangs in the balance. The state-run Airports of Thailand (AoT) has not yet revealed whether it will do away with the current monopolistic concession model that has allowed only the sole operator, King Power International, to grow richer -- at the cost of both the state and shoppers.



Myanmar's shirked duty

News, Editorial, Published on 08/10/2018

» Last Thursday, police arrested two men in Ayutthaya for possession of drugs. They were driving a pickup with 700 one-kilogramme bags of crystal methamphetamine, a so-called recreational drug without medical or social value.



Woo tourists with safety

News, Editorial, Published on 04/10/2018

» While many Chinese travellers will be making overseas trips this week during China's long "Golden Week" holiday, fewer will be coming to Thailand.



Riled at poor BTS service

News, Editorial, Published on 30/06/2018

» After almost four days of rush-hour delays, the BTS Skytrain operator managed to "assure" passengers on Thursday that a solution to the problem had been found.



Pie in the sky?

News, Editorial, Published on 15/06/2018

» Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, and the Airports of Thailand Plc (AoT) are aiming high. By 2021, three major airports, namely Suvarnabhumi, Don Mueang and U-Tapao will have a collective capacity to handle up to 200 million passengers a year.



Time to come clean on secret CIA prison

News, Editorial, Published on 27/05/2018

» Now Gina Haspel has been sworn in as the CIA's first female director, it is time the government speak out on a matter in which it has kept silent for over a decade.



A failure to protect

News, Editorial, Published on 10/05/2018

» The past week has seen extremely troubling revelations about the huge trade in two harmful items. These are cosmetics made from sub-standard or even deadly materials, and so-called dietary and "health" tablets with shady origins. This issue grew out of a probe into celebrity endorsements of questionable products. It is now an important criminal case involving hundreds of possible felons and the four known deaths their products probably has caused.



DLT must look at big picture

News, Editorial, Published on 05/04/2018

» In a desperate bid to regulate passenger van operations, the state last year launched a series of measures to make them safer. The goal of getting this extremely popular service in order as part of the regime's "return happiness to the people" policy was laudable. But the implementation, using a centralised, top-down bureaucratic style, has been riddled with errors. Some measures have simply missed the point.



Govt must serve up justice for all

News, Editorial, Published on 28/01/2018

» Nearly four years after the end of the huge street protest by the now-defunct People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), and the country's public prosecutors have finally decided to press charges against nine leaders of the Bangkok Shutdown movement that brought many parts of the metropolis to a standstill.



Airport prices won't fall

News, Editorial, Published on 18/01/2018

» Another investigation of airport food and beverage prices is under way. Officials claim to be shocked at some of the price tags they have seen. Of course the inspecting officials, including cabinet ministers, do not have to mingle with common vendors when they fly.