Search Result for “affect women”

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Possibly the worst job in the world?

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/11/2020

» On the day Americans went to the polls four years ago the Miami Herald ran what must have been its shortest-ever editorial which simply read: "Her, Not Him, Enough Said". In light of what ensued, it must have been tempting to blame the proof-readers and come out the next day with: "Correction: Him Not Her."



At least the Lady Plods put on a happy face

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 16/09/2018

» There have been understandable mumblings following the announcement that the Royal Police Cadet Academy would no longer be recruiting females, scrapping the normal 280 places available for the ladies. The explanation, in which we were assured the move would not affect the number of women in the police force, was something of a head-scratcher and had a definite "Catch-22" feel about it, which is probably exactly what was intended.