Search Result for “YouTube”

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Last in translation

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 15/11/2012

» Everywhere we go, the sound of the global South Korean hit Gangnam Style seems to creepily follow us.


Tiring of the attire debate

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 22/08/2012

» Aug 30 is going to be a big day for Baramee "Denjan" Phanich, and for the transgender community in Thailand. Denjan, 23, is among five transsexual students who have been granted permission to wear female attire during the graduation ceremony at Thammasat University.


Much ado about nothing

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 02/02/2012

» During the morning news talk show Reung Lao Sao Athit on Channel 3 last Saturday, the presenter reported a story in which a team of policemen led by the outspoken politician Chuwit Kamolwisit shut down a nightclub, Narcissus, located off Sukhumvit Road the previous night. Chuwit, formerly a massage parlour tycoon, claimed the club is known to host secret "drug parties" and was a place "where foreigners assemble for unlawful purposes". However, urine tests on the spot did not return a single person testing positive for drugs.