Search Result for “Trump”

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Asean needs a Middle Path

Asia focus, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 17/01/2022

» Despite the economic downturn during the Covid-19 pandemic, China-sponsored infrastructure, trade and cooperation initiatives with Southeast Asian nations have been moving forward consistently -- amplifying the presence of Beijing in one of the world's fastest growing regions.



Sharing the Mekong

Asia focus, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 29/03/2021

» "The Mekong River is the source of prosperity," an old saying goes, and it was once true for Pongsak Saitongmart. The 69-year-old former fisherman and his family of five largely depended on income from fishing and a vegetable farm fed by water from the Mekong.


Online stores owe parties level playing field

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 05/10/2020

» Overnight, the #BanShopee hashtag climbed to the top of Thailand's Twitter trends. The virtual turbulence came after a core member of the Progressive Movement complained that its online shop was banned on Shopee, one of the leading e-commerce platforms in Southeast Asia.



Outbreak no reason to delay polls

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 22/06/2020

» After a six-year vacuum in local politics, by the end of this year, some Thais might be able to cast their votes to elect local administrators.


Outbreak sees image trump action at the top

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 03/02/2020

» In the time of an infectious disease epidemic, communication skills are essential for government figures to deliver the right messages and show their empathy for the people. But Thai leaders in the past few weeks have failed to show such qualities in their handling of the coronavirus outbreak.



The inequality in our climate change policies

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 10/12/2018

» The "yellow vests" incident, which saw protesters rising up against the French government's planned fuel tax increase, is a call to action against climate change in a world marked with inequality.



Superpowers tackle climate despite Trump

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 24/09/2018

» When I arrived in San Francisco for the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS) earlier this month, the trade war between the US and China was escalating, with the US announcing new tariffs on goods from the latter which vowed retaliatory measures.



World must act in climate change fight

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 17/09/2018

» The Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS) last week provided a positive outlook for the planet as leaders ranging from business executives, governors and mayors from around the world came together in pledging their commitments for a carbon neutral future.



Watch-scandal shenanigans sully decent debate

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 15/02/2018

» Which of these two poll results is more convincing to you: The majority of people want Gen Prawit Wongsuwon to resign from the posts of deputy prime minister and defence minister, or the majority want him to stay?



China wrestles mantle of climate change leadership

Spectrum, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 24/12/2017

» Climate research in China is thriving. With generous government funding and the country's signing of the Paris Agreement, Chinese researchers are gradually taking the lead in the world's climate science.