Search Result for “Trump”

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Trump, Kim can learn lots from city-state

News, Tyler Cowen, Published on 13/06/2018

» US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un are spending such a short amount of time in Singapore this week. Maybe they should stick around longer to see what makes its economy tick. Singapore is an especially wealthy nation, with a per capita income of about US$90,000 (2.8 million baht), well above that of the US. But how is this prosperity maintained, and why has Singapore commanded so much admiration from liberals and conservatives alike?


What a pragmatist can hope for in talks with Kim

News, Tyler Cowen, Published on 20/04/2018

» It's been confirmed that CIA director Mike Pompeo held direct talks with Kim Jong-un in North Korea, and negotiations between Mr Kim and US President Donald Trump really do seem in the offing, so we need to ask how such negotiations might actually succeed.



How gender relations define politics

News, Tyler Cowen, Published on 09/04/2018

» Explanations of the Donald Trump phenomenon often start with conservatives versus liberals, the rural-urban split, or perhaps race and immigration. Those all play a role, but the accumulation of evidence is validating a hypothesis from New York Times columnist Ross Douthat: A big and very fundamental split in American electoral politics today is between different understandings of sex and gender relations.



Pyongyang playing long game, unlike Washington

News, Tyler Cowen, Published on 19/10/2017

» If we think through the North Korea nuclear weapons dilemma using game theory, one aspect of the problem deserves more attention, namely the age of the country's leader, Kim Jong-un: 33. Because peaceful exile doesn't appear to be an option -- his escaping the country safely would be hard -- Mr Kim needs strategies for hanging on to power for 50 years or more. That's a tall order, but it helps us understand that his apparently crazy tactics are probably driven by some very reasonable calculations, albeit selfish and evil ones.



Germany is the Silicon Valley of political innovation

News, Tyler Cowen, Published on 01/06/2017

» One of the more significant quotations of last week came from President Donald Trump, when he reportedly described the Germans as "bad, very bad", referring to their automobile exports. He returned to the theme on Tuesday.