Search Result for “Trump”

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Navy sets an example

News, Postbag, Published on 21/04/2020

» Re: "Virus broadsides sub procurement plan", (BP, April 19).


2018: The rescue that gripped the world

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 30/12/2018

» It ended up as a truly inspiring feel-good story, but could so easily have been a heart-breaking tragedy. That was why the tale of the Wild Boars football team -- 12 young Thai boys and their coach trapped in a flooded cave system in Chiang Rai -- held the attention of the world for more than a fortnight.



Breaking bad news

Guru, Jarupat Buranastidporn, Published on 27/01/2017

» Now that 2016 is finally over, we can rest assured that all the bull**** and f**kery it brought with it will never be repeated. Right? RIGHT?! Bleh, who knows what the future has in store for us. Let's face it, this time last year the thought of Trump becoming the 45th President of the United States probably made you spit out your coffee or, if you're a hipster, choke on your kale juice. But then again, never say never, right?