Search Result for “The New York Times”

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Internet Site of the Week

Gotfried. K, Published on 21/07/2010

» Television on the Web will soon be a reality thanks to the ever-increasing size of information pipes and the ever-increasing quality of the information being pumped through those pipes. Unfortunately, many of the websites that offer streaming of television shows only work in the US or in whatever country in which they originate. Here at Internet Site of the Week, we've found another option for our readers, called Podly, located at And, for the time being at least, it works in the Kingdom perfectly fine.


Internet Site of the Week

Gotfried. K, Published on 14/04/2010

» I'm a fan of The New York Times and have been for quite a while. I like the way they write their stories. I like the quality of their work. They may lean to the Left a bit (well, you can never lean too far Left, but that's just my opinion), but they aren't blatant about it like some news outlets (Fox News springs to mind; Fox Opinions would be a more accurate moniker).