Search Result for “Taiwanese”

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YouTube ramps up ads, moderation

Life, James Hein, Published on 01/03/2023

» If this was a YouTube video you would have to sit through up to 30 seconds of ads before you could even start. YouTube seems to be stepping up its advertising while at the same time providing less service. I still use it because it has things I'm interested in, like Chinese martial arts series and info on music products I like. If I'd written this using ChatGPT you would not see some of the material because the trust and safety filters on the AI product have repeatedly been found to be biased towards the US political left in the content it will return. Some people associated with ChatGPT have acknowledged this but it remains to be seen if anything will change.



Scams on the rise as inflation bites

Life, James Hein, Published on 06/07/2022

» We start this week with a webserver with extras in a single file that runs on any x86-64 operation system. Enter redbean 2.0. Created by Justine Tunney, it uses the "Actually Portable Executable" that you can read about here, When you compile a program to its native binary, in this case x86-64 code, and don't call any external code, then the only difference between a Windows and a Linux would be the file format. If you can solve this, then it could run on any platform. To do that you need Cosmopoliton libc because any real program needs to make some calls, in this case the standard C ones. So, with Cosmo and the APE format, you can write a C program and compile it to a single file that will load and run on six very different operating systems and the same binary can also be booted directly from the PC BIOS. It's not perfect, but any programmer would be scratching their heads by now. Pause for techie amazement.



In 2020, China heads into 1984

Life, James Hein, Published on 23/10/2019

» China will have 626 million CCTVs installed by 2020. That's close to one for every two people in the country. By the end of 2019, any application for Internet access will require first having your face scanned. In 2020, if you want to surf the web you will first have to pass a facial recognition process. If you are recognised and your social score is high enough you will be able to connect. This directive comes from the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Technology.


Windows into the future

Life, James Hein, Published on 27/05/2015

» According to the latest from Microsoft, if you are running on a genuine copy of Windows 7 or 8.x then you will be able to upgrade to Windows 10 for free. You will also be able to upgrade to Windows 10 for a price if you are running, shall we say, those versions of Windows that originate from dubious OEM sources. These upgrades will, however, be very attractively priced. I suspect they are referring to OEMs in places like China and India that may have been a little lax with their licensing agreements. If you have downloaded your copy from a Bit Torrent site and activated it with a keygen, then I doubt the upgrade offers will be as generous.


If they didn't want it then, why would they want it now?

Database, James Hein, Published on 08/09/2010

» A number of companies are now readying their iPad challenger. But why? What has changed in the past 10 years to suggest people who once rejected pen or touchscreen computing will now embrace it?


Success for the security-conscious

Database, James Hein, Published on 25/08/2010

» A bit over a week ago a free anti-virus app from DroidSecurity passed the 2.5 million download mark from Android users. This puts the utility in the top 50 most popular Android downloads. The reason this is news is because there have been no security threats in the form of malware aimed at the Android platform. Well, there was one SMS Trojan, but that affected only a few people in Russia. The application contains about 200 signatures that are mostly for spyware and phishing threats. The app also includes some spam filtering for anti-text messaging instances.