Search Result for “Southeast Asian stocks”

Showing 11 - 15 of 15


Asean hostage to poor governance

News, Yan Flint, Published on 10/08/2015

» As the Asean foreign ministers head home after another intensive round of discussions in Kuala Lumpur ahead of the inception of the Asean Economic Community in less than five months' time, several important issues remain unresolved. These include illegal migration and trafficking, the depletion of fish stocks, trans-border haze, weak civil aviation regulations and a failure to agree on air traffic rights, and the lack of substantive progress on the proposed South China Sea Code of Conduct.


The folly of Thailand's endless protests

Bloomberg News, Published on 26/11/2013

» Is this the end of Thaksin Inc in Thailand? The more than 100,000 people who joined rallies Sunday to oust the nation's prime minister certainly hope so. So do the thousands who took to the streets again today, some of whom broke barricades and police lines to get inside the grounds of the Finance Ministry in Bangkok.


Performing to expectations

News, Published on 30/06/2013

» Deputy Commerce Minister Nattawut Saikuar's song and dance on YouTube to promote mom and pop grocery stores clearly deserves public derision.



Foreign land grab threat not just an illusion

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 24/05/2012

» Remember the news three years ago about some Saudi sheikhs trying to buy up paddy fields in central Thailand to ensure a steady rice supply for their oil-rich but food-scarce countries?


UK's patronising tone

News, Published on 07/01/2012

» I found the article ''UK-Asean relations for the 21st century'' (BP, Opinion, Jan 6) fascinating _ which is to say, very patronising. I am trying to understand the British foreign minister's statement that ''...we have a shared interest in maintaining security in a region which has some of the world's most important shipping routes... tackling common threats such as... nuclear proliferation, cyber-crime, and climate change''.