Search Result for “Prawit”

Showing 11 - 18 of 18



The big issue: A scandal per day

Alan Dawson, Published on 24/04/2016

» The public learned a bit more about how the system works, and it was not a pretty sight. The lesson of the week was arguably that anyone — literally anyone who can do it, does it. Not only does it but actually takes it as an expected perk.



The big issue: The dirty dozen (plus 5,988)

Alan Dawson, Published on 13/03/2016

» The government has spent months compiling the list. Now, it's going after every one of the 6,000 "influential criminal figures" on it, if it takes the rest of their days in power. And they say it will.



The big issue: Unbelievable protest

Alan Dawson, Published on 03/01/2016

» The Christmas Eve verdict to convict and condemn two Myanmar men for the unspeakable Koh Tao beach murders touched off quite a firestorm of its own. There were protests, but really, quelle surprise, right?



The big issue: The week in terrorism

Alan Dawson, Published on 29/11/2015

» Around the world and around the country, we were all Belgians. Brussels lowered the national terror alert on Friday from “imminent” to “serious and credible”. (Fact check: True. Reality check: Who could make it up?) One day it was “be very afraid” and a mere day later it had dropped to “be afraid”.



The big issue: Frogs in a pot

Alan Dawson, Published on 16/08/2015

» The head of the Constitution Drafting Committee suddenly realised he had forgotten something. At a mere 130 pages, 61,000 words, 315 sections, the charter really needed some meat on its bones.



The big issue: Man with a history

Alan Dawson, Published on 07/06/2015

» Whoever writes the script for the movie of his life — which, by the way, someone definitely should do — will have to tone it down a bit or many viewers won’t believe that just one man has done what three-star Gen Manas Kongpan has done.



The big issue: The TIP-ping point

Alan Dawson, Published on 29/03/2015

» The annual March campaign to pass laws, speak sternly and promise sincerely began last week. It will run until the April announcement by the United States to cut the talking and start writing the new human trafficking report. That will be published in June.



The big issue: Are we graft-busting yet?

Alan Dawson, Published on 30/11/2014

» The charges allege that Thailand's most admired crime fighter, former Central Investigation Bureau chief Pongpat Chayapan, used his influence and a gang of insiders to run a massive corruption-and-violence operation. They allege the gang made so much money they literally could not spend it, and had to hoard it.