Search Result for “Peace TV”

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Hope, history are out of tune in Tiananmen Square

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 04/06/2018

» When hope and history are out of tune, what is there to do but wait? The tyranny of our decimal number system and ingrained media habits have as much to do with the thundering silence about the June 4 anniversary this year as the tyranny of China's ruling party and propaganda apparatus. Anniversaries generate more sympathetic vibrations in even-numbered years than odd, and decades carry a resounding clout of their own, at least in media terms, so it's unlikely much news will be made of the 29th earthly orbit since the tanks stormed into Tiananmen Square.



Suthep has mastered the art of hard-to-heart talk

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 03/03/2014

» To borrow a formulation often used to describe democracy, a peaceful overthrow of a rotten regime is the worst possible option, except for all the others.


An overzealous response to terror can also be terrifying

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 23/04/2013

» To follow the drama of the manhunt for the Boston Marathon bomber online through Twitter, Reddit, television, police scanners and news updates was to be inundated with an abundance of almost real-time information.