Search Result for “Laos”

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Court has no authority

News, Published on 07/06/2012

» As someone with law degrees, I have followed with interest the reporting of the reconciliation bill debate. Regarding the demand by the Constitution Court that parliament delay debate until it makes a decision, citing Section 68. I have researched the section, the constitution and the authority, role and responsibility of the charter court, and there is no question that it has no authority to consider the matter unless, and until, instructed to do so by the Attorney-General's Office.


How can Asean solve its energy trilemma?

News, Published on 30/05/2012

» As global leaders descend on Bangkok for the World Economic Forum on East Asia, the focus will be squarely on "Shaping the Region's Future through Connectivity". With Asean countries gearing up for the formation of an Economic Community in 2015, an important part of this agenda will be driving greater energy integration.


Arguing the B300 minimum wage case

News, Published on 29/05/2012

» 'The minimum wage will destroy the industrial sector of Thailand"...


Challenge the car culture

News, Published on 26/05/2012

» It is understandable why the Thai Shopping Centre Association chose this week to launch a vigorous campaign to get the government to set up proper park-and-ride facilities throughout greater Bangkok to ease congestion. Traffic jams have been particularly bad due to the beginning of the new school year and, unless traffic police can perform miracles, the capital could sink into gridlock next week. That's when 700 people arrive to attend the World Economic Forum East Asian Summit. The associated motorcades will include the presidents of Indonesia and Myanmar as well as the prime ministers of Laos and Bahrain.



Foreign land grab threat not just an illusion

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 24/05/2012

» Remember the news three years ago about some Saudi sheikhs trying to buy up paddy fields in central Thailand to ensure a steady rice supply for their oil-rich but food-scarce countries?


Thai Rath Comment

News, Published on 30/04/2012

» Last Thursday's meeting between Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Privy Council president Prem Tinsulanonda was a symbolic reconciliation that will help ease the longstanding political conflict in our country.



Thaksin has done voters a real favour

News, Saritdet Marukatat, Published on 30/04/2012

» Has Thaksin Shinawatra made any right decisions of late that will benefit the country? Well, yes, he has. Once.



Reconciled to the obvious

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 29/04/2012

» There have been three gestures that political analysts call "symbolic moves toward reconciliation". But no, really, they are not.



Southeast Asia turns up heat on smokers

News, Apiradee Treerutkuarkul, Published on 25/04/2012

» With Southeast Asia to be one community in 2015, anti-smoking campaigners are joining forces to turn the fast-growing region into a healthy area by trying to make life difficult for smokers.


Asean's diversity: Asset or liability?

News, Published on 24/04/2012

» The Association of South East Asian Nations is known not only for its huge economic clout but also for its cultural diversity. This is considered an asset in today's globalised and pluralistic world, where diversity is seen as a source of strength. Or is it?