Search Result for “Khao San”

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Songkran Symphony

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 11/04/2014

» Despite how many request I’ve made to turn off the water supply,


The grinch that “Stole” songkran

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 28/03/2014

» Once upon a time, there was a country not too far from here, which seemed to have everything (except gum). From economic wealth to high safety records and an orchard wondrously masquerading as a road, you would think they would be satisfied. But no, just like their delicious chicken rice, they wanted more, more, more.


The tourist traps

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 31/05/2013

» We're just hitting the halfway mark of 2013, but Bangkok has already managed to win the award for being the world's top tourist spot for this year! Well, that's according to the recently released Global Destination Cities Index by MasterCard, who estimates that 15.98 million visitors will descend upon the Thai capital, beating out other hotspots like London, Paris, Singapore and New York.


Water, water everywhere

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 12/04/2013

» 'Twas the day before Songkran and all through the nation,<BR> Office workers were counting down the minutes till their vacation.<BR> They procrastinated on Facebook instead of filling out a spreadsheet,<BR> Posting lame weather statuses like "Good golly, what's with this heat?"


The (updated) guide to visiting Bangkok

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 15/03/2013

» Whether for cultural, medical, or sexual purposes, Bangkok consistently lures in numerous visitors. This may be why we bagged the accolade of "World's Best City" by Travel + Leisure magazine three years in a row (2010-2012), and also why tourist projections to the capital remain high. Now Kasikorn Research Centre estimates Bangkokians will have the joy of enduring about 19.20 million international arrivals by the year's end.


Safety first?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 25/01/2013

» Depending on who you ask, Bangkok is an amazing/horrible, peaceful/chaotic, idyllic/nightmarish place to live. Just like every other developing city, we have our share of problems. And just like every other developing city, we try to improve our surroundings and protect people from harm.


Get out of any problem the Girly Berry way!

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 21/09/2012

» Before we get started, I wanted to pre-emptively apologise to my readers for the times I'll be forced to use the phrase "Girly Berry" in this article. What the heck is a "girly berry" anyway? Is it an effeminate fruit that gets laughed at by all the other crops because it likes to wear frilly dresses and make-up? A type of produce that's overly emotional? A berry that only goes to the bathroom with all its other berry-friends?


Think you know what's happening in the world around you?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 06/04/2012

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!