Search Result for “Junta”

Showing 41 - 50 of 97



Rifts remain as South talks move forward

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 30/08/2015

» The peace-building process in the South took another shaky step forward on Thursday when separatist groups emerged publicly for the first time to speak as "one voice" with the Thai government. But some critics interpreted the step as a victory for the Thai government in undermining and discrediting militant wings of the movements.



Free bird

Life, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 04/08/2015

» Hers is neither a story of a pretty canary in a cage, nor a Cinderella-like fairy tale of a girl who will soon get rich and find love.



Outspoken schoolgirl aims to teach Prayut a lesson in exam paper protest

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 26/07/2015

» University students are not uncommon players in Thai political history, but high-schoolers who speak up for their rights and challenge the educational system are a rare breed.



The problem that refuses to stay silent

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 05/07/2015

» It was a case of deja vu. The military court’s swift proceedings against 14 students at midnight on June 26 evoked parliament’s rushed passage of the Pheu Thai-sponsored amnesty bill in the early hours of Nov 1, 2013. Regardless of political leaning, whichever side is in power always mobilises all available resources for its own benefit.



No easy way home for Thais in exile

Spectrum, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 21/06/2015

» The exiles sat on one side of the gymnasium, the military men and government officials on the other. There was an air of conciliation. But not all of the 467 displaced Muslims who attended Monday’s unprecedented meeting at a military camp in Narathiwat felt reassured after hearing the sympathetic words of government officials.


Human rights lawyer slams 'farce' of NCPO censorship

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 05/06/2015

» One year after the coup, Thailand's human rights situation shows no signs of improvement, says the head of the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR), Yaowalak Anupan.



Just a blip on the junta’s radar?

Spectrum, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 31/05/2015

» Accidental heroes or not, dozens of university students arrested in the heart of the capital on the anniversary of the coup just over a week ago have rattled the Goliath junta. Acts of defiance were expected as the coup-installed military government had declared it would stay in power at least for the remainder of the year.


Migrant crisis tests us all

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 25/05/2015

» The image of a "caring and sharing" community of 620 million had already been shattered in the eyes of Asean people and the global community, as starving and helpless Rohingya boat people were driven out of their countries of origin, only to be pushed back by Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.



Frustrations with the NCPO's progress linger one year after the coup

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 24/05/2015

» Despite frustration over the repressive measures of the Prayut government, many Thais remain tolerant one year after the coup — at least for now.



Bombs signal rocky road to southern talks

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 17/05/2015

» Malaysia and Thailand are poised to launch another round of peace talks with southern Muslim separatists next month, but the main player — the Barisan Nasional Revolusi (BRN) — remains reluctant as usual.