Search Result for “Islamic State”

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Tip of the iceberg

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 14/01/2018

» Myanmar's government and entirely out-of-touch military soiled themselves again, over the Rohingya issue of course.



How Bangkok came close to the big one

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 18/06/2017

» In late 2011 the chatter about terrorist attacks in Thailand reached their highest volume ever, or since. The bare bones of the plot are well known but recent arrests in America have exposed many more details.



Islamic State, keep out

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 27/11/2016

» The most intriguing story of the week was the suggestion that Thai Muslims had been caught out in supporting the Islamic State (IS). It was intriguing because while the neighbours have often been involved directly in international terrorism, and still are, no Thai ever has been linked to the post-9/11 groups championed by Osama bin Laden, his progeny or their many copycats.



That election: CliffNotes edition

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 13/11/2016

» Well, since at least half of us here today, dear reader, correctly predicted both fact and scope of the Orange Crush express months ahead, here are thoughts on that.



The big issue: Month of calamity

Alan Dawson, Published on 10/07/2016

» At dinner time on Friday, July 1, seven nice young, educated men of good families walked into the upscale Holey Artisan Bakery (official motto - The Only True Artisan Bakery Shop Between Mumbai and Singapore) in the tony Gulshan area of Dhaka, to kill a bunch of people.



Abu Sayyaf beheading deadline nears

Alan Dawson, Published on 25/04/2016

» Asia's most vicious terrorist group has set a deadline of 2pm Monday (Thailand time) to behead at least one of three foreign and one Filipina hostages it holds in the southern Philippines.



The big issue: Belgian waffles

Alan Dawson, Published on 03/04/2016

» At a time of universally sapped morale, the forces of evil and enemies of decency have gained a temporary upper hand, while the forces of decency and enemies of evil are wondering if they can grab a victory somewhere from the jaws of setbacks.



The big issue: So help me God

Alan Dawson, Published on 31/01/2016

» Donald Trump has not mentioned “Thailand” since he began his campaign to become the Republican Party candidate for United States president last June. That's the good news. No, really, that's good news.



The big issue: Looking away

Alan Dawson, Published on 17/01/2016

» At 1.30am on Oct 11, more than 100 masked soldiers, police and militia raided a house in Kolo Tanyong village near Pattani province’s northern coast.



The big issue: The week in terrorism

Alan Dawson, Published on 29/11/2015

» Around the world and around the country, we were all Belgians. Brussels lowered the national terror alert on Friday from “imminent” to “serious and credible”. (Fact check: True. Reality check: Who could make it up?) One day it was “be very afraid” and a mere day later it had dropped to “be afraid”.