Search Result for “Islamic State”

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Halal everywhere

Asia focus, Ismira Lutfia Tisnadibrata, Published on 18/06/2018

» As Muslim consumers in Indonesia are growing more halal-conscious, demand for halal certification has expanded from food and beverages and financial services to non-food consumer goods.



Scandal-hit Dhammakaya temple helps stage Myanmar event

Reuters, Published on 21/01/2018

» MANDALAY: Thousands of Buddhist monks gathered in Myanmar's second largest city on Sunday for an event partly organised by the scandal-hit Dhammakaya temple whose abbot is wanted for questioning on money-laundering allegations.



Tip of the iceberg

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 14/01/2018

» Myanmar's government and entirely out-of-touch military soiled themselves again, over the Rohingya issue of course.



From Trump to Europe crises, what to watch in 2018

News, Peter Apps, Published on 29/12/2017

» Professional forecasters like to say that making predictions is difficult, particularly about the future. As we reach the end of 2017, however, here are some of the key themes -- and questions -- that look set to shape global events next year.



Calm down, America. Attacks won't break Britain

News, Peter Apps, Published on 08/06/2017

» When I rolled my wheelchair out of my apartment block on Sunday morning -- mere hours after three attackers killed seven a few hundred yards away in London Bridge and Borough Market -- the most striking thing was the sense of calm.



Washington pulling back from the world

News, Peter Apps, Published on 04/04/2016

» For many in the US, the attacks on Brussels must have felt like more of the same. Once again, militants struck, the systems designed to stop them failed and all the blood and treasure of 15 years of "war on terror" appear more wasted than ever.



Japan outraged as video purportedly shows hostage beheaded

Published on 01/02/2015

» TOKYO — Japan and other nations condemned with outrage and horror on Sunday the beheading purportedly by the Islamic State group of Kenji Goto, a journalist who sought through his coverage of Syria to convey the plight of refugees, children and other victims of war.



Free speech and the crossing of a line

News, Published on 12/01/2015

» Within 24 hours of the tragic killings last Thursday at the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo, scores of editorials and commentaries poured out from the media, mainstream as well as alternative, about the need to defend freedom of expression from threats of terrorism.


French cartoons re-raise Islamic ire

AFP, Published on 20/09/2012

» PARIS : A French magazine ridiculed the Prophet Mohammad on Wednesday by portraying him naked in cartoons, threatening to fuel the anger of Muslims around the world who are already incensed by a video depicting him as a lecherous fool.