Search Result for “Islamic State”

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Suu Kyi stands up to lawsuit avalanche

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 25/11/2019

» Myanmar's top leaders -- both military and civilian -- have been shell-shocked by the avalanche of international legal cases they are now facing. In the space of days, three cases have been lodged in separate courts, all intended to make the Myanmar government and the country's military leaders accountable for the horrendous events that unfolded in strife-torn western Rakhine state during military operations over the last three years. These forced nearly a million Muslims, or Rohingya as they call themselves, to flee to safety in Bangladesh.



BMA's Mahakan mess

News, Postbag, Published on 21/01/2017

» It is with deep disappointment that we have read Peerawat Jariyasombat's strangely ill-informed article, "A lesson in development" (BP, Jan 16, 2017). In a move that seems calculated to pander to the greed of developers rather than nurture the human resources represented by local populations, Khun Peerawat hails the efforts of Korean authorities to replace an existing population with an artist colony, but says nothing about the fate of the original residents.



Send in the clowns

News, Postbag, Published on 27/11/2016

» The State Enterprise Policy Office urges State Railway of Thailand (SRT) land development as a quick solution out of debt (BP, Nov 25). Who does it think it is kidding? The SRT is a bottomless pit as its debt piles up deeper and deeper due to inept management, lousy service, filthy, antiquated rolling stock, the inability to maintain any normal scheduling, and free rides.


Turkey is swiftly heading towards a regime of terror

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 12/11/2016

» 'In Turkey, we are progressively putting behind bars all people who take the liberty of voicing even the slightest criticism of the government," wrote author Orhan Pamuk, Turkey's first Nobel Prize winner. "Freedom of thought no longer exists. We are distancing ourselves at high speed from a state of law and heading towards a regime of terror" that is driven by "the most ferocious hatred".



Suu Kyi's wavering political stance

News, Nehginpao Kipgen, Published on 04/11/2016

» There has been an online campaign calling for the confiscation of the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to now Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi in 1991. The petition demands the Chair of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee to "take back" the prize and argues that it should be awarded to "only those who are serious in keeping the world peace".