Search Result for “Glyn T Davies”

Showing 71 - 80 of 105



Living in a void of white wilderness

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 05/12/2015

» They look like modern art, those blank spaces in the International New York Times, an emptiness in the forest of stories.


What's the right kind of love for King and country?

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 05/12/2015

» When it comes to fierce, honest debates, the clashing of opposing ideas and rousing Churchillian speeches, nobody does it better than the British House of Commons.



Electric blues

News, Postbag, Published on 05/12/2015

» Now we hear of US’s General Electric plans to build power generating wind turbines in Thailand. Overall, it sounds good. However, there’s not a lot of sustained wind blowing in Thailand (no pun intended).



Exceptions to our rights

News, Postbag, Published on 01/12/2015

» Scott A Hipsher (PostBag, Nov 30) notes that Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (not the "Declaration of Universal Rights" as he writes) has "no clauses listing exceptions".



US hasn't 'lost' Thailand, says envoy Davies

News, Post Reporters, Published on 01/12/2015

» Despite closer ties between Bangkok and Beijing, the United States has not "lost" Thailand to China, American Ambassador Glyn Davies said Monday amid mounting protests over his criticism of the country's lese majeste law.


US has not 'lost' Thailand to China, Davies says

AFP, Published on 30/11/2015

» The United States has not lost Thailand to China, Washington's envoy to Bangkok said Monday, despite acrimony between the two allies and a palpable shift by the kingdom's junta towards its giant northern neighbour.



Thai Red Cross, US open Asia's first transgender clinic

Online Reporters, Published on 30/11/2015

» The Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre and US development partners have opened the first clinic in Asia to target services exclusively to the transgender community.



More maturity needed

News, Postbag, Published on 28/11/2015

» Re: “Western folly in Middle East quagmire”, (Opinion, Nov 27).



Blind love of nation is the blindest of all

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 28/11/2015

» Feel the force of Thai jingoism. Feel it online and at the US embassy, as they march forward like sandmen with sticks to battle the evil Darth Vader. How dare the meddling imperialist. How rude, how hypocritical!, shout the vanguards, waving bamboo spears. This is because on Thursday the new US ambassador Glyn T Davies said something that rattled the patriots — something sensible — about how people who peacefully voice their opinion shouldn’t be put in jail, referring to the excessive punishment of the lese majeste law. As expected, just hours later the nationalists banged their kettledrums.



Friendly words sought from new US ambassador

Online Reporters, Published on 27/11/2015

» Dozens of demonstrators gathered at the United States embassy in Bangkok on Friday to protest against new American ambassador Glyn Davies' criticism of Thailand's lese majeste law.