Search Result for “Glyn T Davies”

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Look at your own backyards

News, Postbag, Published on 28/01/2018

» Re: "Diplomats slam poll delay", (BP, Jan 27).



Thai-US meet vital to both

News, Editorial, Published on 11/07/2017

» The "temporary postponement" of the official visit to the United States by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha was not entirely unexpected. It was, however, a disappointment. The trip to Washington had been under intense planning for well over two months. Gen Prayut's opportunity to get Thai-US relations on a proper footing with President Donald Trump is now delayed, with both sides saying they will set a later date for the meeting.



We must unite to confront N Korea

News, Published on 22/05/2017

» As President Trump prepared to assume office, President Obama offered him an urgent warning: that North Korea's pursuit of weapons of mass destruction poses the greatest security threat to Asia, America, and the world. With 10 illicit North Korean missile tests in just the past four months, that has very much proved to be the case.



A chance to revitalise

News, Published on 10/02/2017

» The visit of US Adm Harry B Harris Jr, head of US Pacific Command, to Thailand next week is an opportunity for both Thailand and the US to reset a stagnant, strained relationship. The visit will also be a significant symbol of the new Trump administration's commitment to the Asia-Pacific Region, and to Southeast Asia in particular.



Obama must be realistic

News, Editorial, Published on 25/05/2016

» US President Barack Obama is in Asia once again. His 10th trip takes him to Vietnam and, later this week, to Japan. The focus of the US leader is to continue his agonisingly slow "pivot" to Asia of US security policy. There is far more on the agenda than upgrading Vietnam ties. China, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the fight against the Islamic State and Myanmar's halting progress to democracy all are being addressed.



Get help with water

News, Postbag, Published on 23/05/2016

» According to Indexmundi, Thailand ranks 48th out of 185 nations in average precipitation per year. In short, over a full year the country receives a lot of rain. Yet currently 35 provinces are suffering critical water shortages. As every Thai knows, soon there will be floods.



Diplomatic shambles

News, Postbag, Published on 21/05/2016

» Re: "Tense nerves hurt US ties", (BP, Editorial, May 19).



Tense nerves hurt US ties

News, Editorial, Published on 19/05/2016

» In diplomacy and bilateral relations, using the right word or words, could mean warm embraces and mutual compliments or sharp barbs and rebuke between ministers and diplomats. Last week, two words -- concerned and condemned -- prompted stinging criticism of US Ambassador Glyn T Davies.



NCPO taking dangerous short-cuts

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 17/05/2016

» Death to rapists, killers and other high-profile criminals. Go home American ambassador. Lock up people who disagree with the military regime.



US wrong again

News, Postbag, Published on 14/05/2016

» Re: "US envoy stands by criticism of arrest of activist's mother", (BP, May 13).