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Now showing

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 08/10/2021

» Cinemas are back! After another semi-lockdown that forced cinemas to close, we can finally enjoy a proper movie-going experience again. Sure, it might be capped at 50% capacity and you can only sit with one person beside you instead of the classic cinema experience of having your girlfriend on your left while a dude who munches popcorn loudly is on your right. Sigh, nostalgia! But we'll take what we can get for now. Though it's easy to simply go to the nearest mall to go to the cinema, we're spotlighting places that offer a different experience. These indie cinemas deserve as much love as any of the multiplexes do. After losing iconic places like Scala and Bangkok Screening Room, we should do what we can to keep these cinemas alive. Get the popcorn and settle in. It's time to go back to the movies.



Art against authority

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 16/07/2021

» We can all agree on one thing: this whole pandemic is a crapfest. The time when Thailand was lauded for successfully handling the first wave has long gone and we are in the throes of the third wave with daily cases almost hitting 10,000 (at least in the time of going to print), hospitals running out of beds for patients and vaccinations going at a snail's pace. The anger and fury directed at the government's handling of the third wave has reached boiling point and none are more vocal about it than political artists, who have found a home, voice and audience on Facebook. From tarot cards to 3D renders, here are a few artists who use their art to make their voices heard.



A sight for sore eyes

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 02/07/2021

» Art has been and still is a vital part of our life and history though it has evolved over the years. The Renaissance gave us legendary works of art like Da Vinci's Mona Lisa and Michelangelo's David. Fast forward to the present and we still view art regularly albeit in different forms -- now on a 55in. OLed TV. Hey, Netflix movies and shows are still work of art, don't judge. I understand that there is a vast difference between sitting on your couch and going to a gallery or an exhibition. Guru provides you, dear readers with refreshing breaks like a list of new galleries that are worth your time.



Get social

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 26/02/2021

» It's 2009. Barack Obama was sworn in as US president. Protesters are on the street (different protesters though, not like the ones protesting now). Your iPod contains hits like Boom Boom Pow, I'm Yours and even though you hide it, you also listen to that new blonde girl's song called Love Story because it's a bop. And then there's this new thing called Facebook that people seem to be using more and more. You don't know if you're willing to give up your pimped out Hi5 profile complete with a glittery background and a MP3 player loaded with Big Ass' Len Kaung Soong but you decide to give it a shot. More than 10 years and a number of privacy issues later, you're still using Facebook along with a number of other social networking apps, but perhaps you may be looking for other ways to build a community and meet new people. Perhaps you want to meet like-minded people like you who share you love for entrepreneurship or memes, and maybe you even want to get on platforms that will actually make you some dough. Facebook isn't your only avenue. We've got you sorted on where else you can build or find a community that's right for you.



Love in the time of Covid

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 12/02/2021

» It's been over a year since Covid hit and sent the world into an unprecedented time of quarantines and lockdowns. It's affected everyone's life whether it's their jobs, their mental health or their relationships. There's no question that these are trying times for everyone, and while we spend the majority of the time at Guru being all snarky and sarcastic, the stories of kindness and love during the pandemic is enough to warm our cold, scornful hearts. And since St Valentine's Day is just around the corner, we figured that the world could do with a little less snarkiness and a little more love. Though the pandemic has forced us to stay apart, it has ironically also bound us closer together, and these stories are evidence of that. From furry best friends and long-distance relationships to engagements and growing closer to mum, here are a few pandemic love stories to remind you that love is still very much all around even in a pandemic.



Lightweight power

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/02/2021

» The iPad Air has always been a great mix of being an affordable yet powerful tablet. With the latest iPad Air, Apple has built on the strengths of its previous iterations. It boasts a new design and a powerful A14 Bionic chip that ensures it can work under pressure and give you great graphics when it comes to gaming. Is it worth the buy? Read on.



Guru awards 2020

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 18/12/2020

» A lot has happened in 2020. From the pandemic to protests, the year has had a flurry of events, good and bad (perhaps mostly bad). Paradoxically, it seems that 2020 lasted longer than it should and we all can't wait for it to be over, but at the same time it also seemed like we just went into quarantine yesterday. We're all looking forward to the year that's ahead and leave 2020 behind, but before we do, let's take a look at the year that's been and determine which blunders, skills and mascots are worthy of recognition.




Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 06/11/2020

» This year has been a total crapfest. We've gone through a soft lockdown and we're past it, but the pandemic continues and things are far from normal. Then there is the current state of affairs, which just piles on to the mounting stress. It's been a rough year and I can't help but remember that we all felt the same optimism when we wanted 2019 to end. Remember when we thought that year was bad? We've got two more months of 2020 and let's be real, we're not really sure what 2021 holds. Fortunately for you, I've done the hard work and listed a few viable options to let off steam. Whether it's by trashing a room or cuddling puppies, here are a few ways you can relieve the stress from the troubling times we're in.



Stranger things

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 09/10/2020

» Everyone loves a good conspiracy. There's a reason why Netflix has a bunch of them ready for you to binge like Unsolved Mysteries, which will rock you to your core at just how completely plausible they are and how they could easily happen to any of us.



Green recovery

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 31/07/2020

» The streets of the city have roared back to life, rush hours are a thing once more and the busyness of Bangkok has returned. On one hand, it's great that everything seems to be coming back to normal.