Search Result for “Bangkok”

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Learning from the legacy

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 19/12/2013

» Watching news coverage of South African activist and former president Nelson Mandela's body _ who died on Dec 5, aged 95 _ being laid to rest in his hometown last week got me thinking about the need for us to spend wisely the time we have left on Earth.


Save our soldiers

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 14/11/2013

» Thanks to Thailand's unsung heroes who risk their lives to protect our three restive southern provinces, locals are given some respite from the constant fear of bombs and shootings that seem to make daily front-page news.


Towards a disaster-conscious society

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 11/10/2013

» Heartbreaking scenes are flashed across TV screens and the internet day in and day out. These days, Thai news is centred round the floods and the havoc they are causing. It seems like deja vu, including the glaring fact that nothing really tangible is being said by authorities to address this mammoth predicament in a decisive manner.


Real-life forensics hold no glamour

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 05/09/2013

» Forensic science has enabled police investigators to nail perpetrators, who otherwise would have gone scot-free. The recent brutal murder of Kankanit Suntratta is a case in point. Her corpse was left on the side of Kanchanapisek Road in Ayutthaya's Bang Pa-in district.


Badminton goes bad

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 30/07/2013

» A sheer lack of self control was displayed for all to see and sent shock waves through badminton fans when, instead of the Canada Open 2013 men's doubles final in Vancouver, we witnessed punches and kicks between Thais Maneepong "A" Jongjit and Bodin "Art" Issara. It was later reported that A received five stitches to his ear and both were disqualified from the game by the match official.


Abandoning the maternal instinct

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 25/06/2013

» Newspaper and television news coverage of abandoned babies is once again making the rounds. While such news is not particularly eyebrow-raising, when such incidents are brought to light, they do affect us and we try to put ourselves in the shoes of those concerned.


Divine lessons in humility

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 17/05/2013

» From the crop of religious world leaders we have today, none impresses me as much as Pope Francis, the new head of the Roman Catholic Church.


The well-being of young ones must always come first

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 12/04/2013

» The case of the kindergarten teacher charged with recklessness for allegedly leaving a three-year-old child in a sweltering school van, causing the little girl to slip into a coma, has once again put the teaching profession in the hot seat.


The elephant in the room, and what must be done

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 22/03/2013

» The "white gold" trade is taking its toll on elephants and their numbers are being decimated at an alarming rate. The ivory trade is booming thanks to the "looking the other way" of officials in charge as greased palms bring some sort of justification of this heartless crime. To be fair, there are those who become the voice for these victims and of their safety and well-being. Although this trade's roots can be traced back to days gone by, what is causing concern is the rate of deaths occurring each month.


The beasts within the beauty

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 12/03/2013

» I have to confess that after hitting 40, I have seen myself get sucked into a daily routine of using age defying products. This has been influenced largely by the innate subconscious desire to look presentable.