Search Result for “30 billion”

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Apple officially phases out iTunes

Business, Published on 09/10/2019

» SAN FRANCISCO: It's time to bid farewell to iTunes, the once-revolutionary application that made online music sales mainstream and effectively blunted the impact of piracy.



Huawei: 5G-ready phone due this month

Published on 06/09/2019

» BERLIN: Huawei has introduced its most advanced chipset ever, ahead of the coming launch of a new flagship smartphone, even as uncertainty hangs over whether the device can use the Android operating system.


AI deserves our human paranoia

Life, James Hein, Published on 14/08/2019

» For most of my IT career I have seen promises of the "silver bullet" application. The modern iteration of this is the overused promise of Artificial Intelligence. Every man and his dog are jumping onto this marketing bandwagon and Microsoft has been no exception making it part of their database offerings.



Game on! E-sports tallies massive growth, offers novel careers

Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 02/08/2019

» The hobby is gaining momentum thanks to advances in smartphone computing power



Local e-commerce players ramp up price war

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 11/07/2019

» Thailand's e-commerce price wars are intensifying as online retailers sacrifice margins by cutting product prices and offering discounts while reducing subsidies on shipping to ease losses.


T2P lays out $1m for digital lending

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 25/03/2019

» Financial solutions firm T2P Co is investing US$1 million (31.7 million baht) to set up a digital lending business to serve rapidly growing demand in online financial services.



Vaak AI spots shoplifters before they steal

Business, Published on 07/03/2019

» Tokyo: It's watching, and knows a crime is about to take place before it happens.



Will fold-out phones start a new revolution?

Life, James Hein, Published on 27/02/2019

» Lower cost Google phones will be arriving this year. There will be mid-range offerings somewhere in the 4,700-22,000 baht range and another below that as a low-range product. The target is emerging markets that are fairly well saturated with other brands, both Korean and Chinese. The Google Pixel is the high-end product and is supposed to have the best camera, for now, but they are not cheap. The new range will round out the lower end of the market.


AI-aided hope on the horizon

Life, James Hein, Published on 13/02/2019

» Despite some of my criticisms in the past there are some excellent examples of emerging artificial intelligence technologies. I've mentioned some of these from the medical world in earlier articles but a new one caught my eye this week, figuring out in which hotel a picture was taken. No, not to help people remember where holiday snaps were taken but to track down human trafficking where pics of women are taken to sell them for sex. The three groups behind this identification technology are from George Washington University, Temple University and Adobe, all in the US. Like many AI systems a large amount of source data is used and to help with this more than a million images have been collected from 50,000 hotels worldwide. Using all the room elements in backgrounds a neural network is being trained to identify a hotel chain and then a location.



An English-always app workaround

Life, James Hein, Published on 30/01/2019

» On a recent overseas trip I noticed that some of my Android phone Google-related apps would change language settings and feeds based on the country I was in. Unless you can read in multiple languages this is really annoying. Even more so is that this behaviour is the default one and apparently unchangeable. If you are using Google as a browser you can at least stop this when browsing by using the URL where the "ncr" stands for No Country Redirect. The result is an English always result regardless of where you may be in the world at the time.