Search Result for “amp”

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Time for plastic detox

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 09/05/2022

» Anyone who has ever strolled along a beach is familiar with the sight … plastic straws, snack packaging, some of it dating back years, plastic bottles and other junk washed up on the sand. It's enough to spoil your vacation memories -- and it's also part of a global crisis.



Stumbling but hopeful

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 07/03/2022

» Domestic travellers have been the lifeline for tourism-reliant countries, especially in Southeast Asia, for the past two pandemic-battered years. But even as countries start scrapping restrictions to welcome international visitors back, some pandemic uncertainties persist and now a crisis in Ukraine threatens the global economic recovery as a whole.



Second innings

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 21/02/2022

» There are no perpetual competitors in today's complex business world. Talented executives increasingly can be found jumping from one firm to another. Rajiv Ramaswami is a case in point. He worked for Nutanix's competitors before, but now he's thrilled to be leading the global cloud company into its "second innings" as its new CEO.



Enabling the future

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 29/11/2021

» Seen in a small box on a Zoom screen, Adrian Tan could easily pass for someone in his late 20s or early 30s, but his long CV and his current position as country head for Thailand of Anchanto, a Singapore-based global software company, tell you a lot of other stories.



Next in healthcare

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 06/09/2021

» Most Southeast Asian nations were praised last year for their swift response to Covid-19, but now they're scrambling to curb a more infectious Delta variant that is surging across the world.



Ensuring a well-fed world

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 09/08/2021

» Food is the one of the main pillars of our life. However, this essential pillar is being tested in this highly challenging time. Covid-19 has reduced incomes, caused economic shock and threatened food systems around the globe.



Capping carbon

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 12/07/2021

» While the world has been fighting the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic, the global emergency posed by climate change is growing more alarming. Powerful nations are rolling out plans and policies to weather the crisis and hoping to bring the rest of the world into line.



Shall we spend?

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 24/05/2021

» Covid-19 has upended the life we know. The protracted global pandemic has stripped income and jobs from millions, forcing consumers to change their behaviours amid health concerns, and to reconsider how to spend their money amid an uncertain economic outlook.



Powering connectivity

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 22/03/2021

» Moving to Southeast Asia in the middle of a global pandemic wasn't an easy decision. But you'll hear nothing but enthusiasm from Alper Turken, a Turkey-born and now Singapore-based technology executive, in keeping with his curiosity and eagerness to explore new things.



Let her trade

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 22/02/2021

» Everybody in the world has felt the effects of the pandemic in one way or another. In the world of business, Covid-19 has forced countless entrepreneurs to the sidelines, wreaking havoc on international trade and pushing millions into a sea of uncertainty.