Search Result for “body”

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Hobby hideaways

Guru, Suthivas Tanphaibul, Published on 05/08/2022

» Learning doesn't always have to be all about academic matters. You can still pick up new skills and hobbies no matter how old you are. Guru has gathered a list of interesting workshops and private classes for you to never stop growing (metaphorically). We also asked workshop instructors what they have to offer their students and their backgrounds as food for thought.



Tech show at malls reopening

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 22/05/2020

» Malls reopening on Sunday has brought with it many curious things, besides the possibility of selling your privacy to the govt just to get in, multiple checking-in-and-out you need to do while hitting different shops and cardboard dragons as your new dining companions. While strolling and practising social distancing, one may also come across innovations that have been put in place as part of the new shopping norm. It seems like major malls are trying to get one up on each other in terms of high-tech measures against Covid-19 to put shoppers' minds at ease. At the risk of sounding like a mall maniac (and being a free ad for malls), here are a few examples of technology spotted at various mall reopenings for your curiosity. Their effectiveness against Covid-19 (or originality) may not be guaranteed but their gimmicky effect is.