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Camping cosmos

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/11/2021

» T  hailand has officially entered the cold season -- well, at least it's cold for those of us who live in the Kingdom. According to the Thai Meteorological Department, the "winter" (quotations as Thai "winter" isn't really winter at all) began on Nov 2 with the coldest days occurring in the latter half of December all the way until the end of January. For city-dwellers, it's predicted that we'll be enjoying the "extreme" minimum temperatures of around 15C to 16C, though we'll believe it when we feel it. However, the cold season signals the perfect time to take a camping trip especially up North where temperatures are expected to go as low as 6C or 7C. Brrrh. So unearth those fur coats and start buying camping gear for a cool road trip. Pun intended. It's time to go camping and Guru's got spots picked out for you.



Couch surfing

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 30/07/2021

» Most of us dream of walking down the aisle -- the airplane one -- and the awkwardness that comes with trying to find your seat while avoiding people putting their bags in the overhead bins.



Logic in the time of Covid

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 18/06/2021

» As vaccinations start all around the country, we seem to be heading towards the light at the end of the tunnel. Though that doesn't mean we're out of the woods yet. As of the writing of this article, four new clusters have been found in Bangkok and more than 2,000 cases are being reported each day. After 1.5 years, it's time to see how much the pandemic has affected our lives, our work, our relationships and at times, even our sanity. But there's also one aspect that seems to have affected some people: logic. Here's a look at some of the greatest bouts of logic.



Work it out

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 21/05/2021

» Working out comes easily to some and is embedded in their routine, but to others like me, it can be a bit of a struggle to stay consistent. The pandemic and semi-lockdown (though the government won't call it that) make it even more challenging. Why work out when you've got a perfectly good couch seducing you to take a nap and a whole bunch of Netflix shows on your "My List" to be watched? But if there's ever a more crucial time to make sure we stay healthy and fit, it's now. We're setting all the excuses, the nap times and the Netflix aside -- or at least we try and do our best to -- to look at workouts that can be done anywhere without the need of a gym or park.



Wellness just for you

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 16/04/2021

» A simple Google search of wellness programmes or retreats will have you bombarded with countless results. It's not at all difficult to book wellness treatments around Bangkok or in the provinces if you feel like doing a healthy getaway. But the numerous options out there can be overwhelming, and unless you take the time to also research what these treatments are, you might end up signing for something that will make you feel worse rather than better. Kamalaya, however, will do all the heavy lifting for you: they'll tailor a programme based on your goals and needs so you get treatments that actually help you. On top of that, it doesn't hurt that it's located on the beautiful island of Koh Samui.



Watch yourself

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 04/12/2020

» In recent years, the Apple Watch has been touted as a health device that's a must-have, helping you keep track of fitness and activity goals day-to-day while also being utterly fashionable. The latest model is the Series 6, and it comes with a number of improvements that may not be obvious at first. However, are these improvements enough so that you shell out your cash for it?




Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 06/11/2020

» This year has been a total crapfest. We've gone through a soft lockdown and we're past it, but the pandemic continues and things are far from normal. Then there is the current state of affairs, which just piles on to the mounting stress. It's been a rough year and I can't help but remember that we all felt the same optimism when we wanted 2019 to end. Remember when we thought that year was bad? We've got two more months of 2020 and let's be real, we're not really sure what 2021 holds. Fortunately for you, I've done the hard work and listed a few viable options to let off steam. Whether it's by trashing a room or cuddling puppies, here are a few ways you can relieve the stress from the troubling times we're in.



Behind the mask

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/03/2020

» Coronavirus -- you've been hearing about it, reading about it, but knock on wood you haven't been infected by it. The world has been sent reeling these past few months because of the virus. Everyone is in a state of panic. Masks are in short supply, sneezing in public places garners dirty looks and everyone is convinced they're living in Raccoon City and the Umbrella Corporation is behind it all (get the Resident Evil reference?). But let's all chill for a sec, which may be difficult to do given the circumstances, but we need to get our facts straight which, apparently, is hard for the Thai Ministry of Public Health to do. Let's talk about Covid-19 and how it affects us in Thailand.



Crazy little thing called love

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 14/02/2020

» Happy St Valentine's Day to all celebrating and to those who aren't (you're not really alone with Big Brother watching, are you?). While we'll see a lot of mushy-gushy posts in the next 24 hours and our social media feed flooded by pictures of ladies with chocolates and roses or guys clad in suits ready for dinner dates, there have been plenty of love stories in Thailand that are pretty dang insane. Some are quirky, some are funny, some show the great lengths that people will go for the ones they love. Whatever the case, these are all stories worthy to commemorate St Valentine's Day.



Welcoming a new decade!

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/01/2020

» For those of you who may have missed it, we are in a new decade. Yes, you read that right. No, you are not hallucinating. Yes, we are all old. Welcome to the beginning of the 2020s where films like Back To The Future and Blade Runner are not just classics but the future worlds depicted in them are now effectively in the past; where years like 2050 and 2060 no longer sound ridiculous like they did back in the early 2000s and where those born in 2000 are 20 years old. It's a lot to take in, that's for sure. With every new year also comes the declarations of "New year, new me" posted all over social media and vocally announced at dinner tables everywhere. Resolutions are made and kept for a good two weeks or so before being thrown out the window. So instead of trying to expect things to happen that we aren't even sure will happen, let's take a look at the stuff that we're fairly certain will happen this year. Here's a couple of things to look forward to this 2020.