Search Result for “late”

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Weaving wonders

Life, Published on 01/04/2024

» While wandering Bangkok's pavements, Rattachat Phonsaen, founder of design company Pitak Style, often came across discarded items like chairs, tables and vendor carts. Inspired by his passion for handicraft items, Rattachat conceived the idea of repairing these broken objects using traditional basketry methods.



Why you should keep a notebook (Part 1)

Business, Published on 05/01/2023

» What is one thing that Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso and Richard Branson have in common? Among others, all these creative leaders are known for being passionate about maintaining a notebook. Do you? If yes, congratulations.



Article 365 vis-à-vis unlimited creativity

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 23/09/2021

» Hooray! This is the 365th article on business creativity and innovation that I have written over the past 14 years. It all started in April 2007 with the first piece featured in a new, biweekly Bangkok Post column titled "Creativity Un-Ltd" (and co-published in the Thinkergy Blog).



Netflix announces premiere date for ‘Deep’

Published on 18/06/2021

» Thai mystery thriller featuring next-gen directors and cast to debut globally on July 16



Theatres of politics

Life, Alongkorn Parivudhiphongs, Published on 02/12/2020

» Last month was apparently a month of theatre politics. At the height of political unrest due to ongoing protests and gatherings, two university productions staged biographical plays and poetry-driven body movements. Meanwhile, the Bangkok Theatre Festival was also the host of political satires and parodies.



Shifting surfaces

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 16/04/2020

» Different surfaces of objects have different impacts on different people. At an art exhibition titled "#Surface" by Bangkok University Gallery, eight artists and designers interpret "surface" in their own way and use a variety of media and materials to convey their ideas.



Explore first, then innovate

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 27/11/2019

» Are you a chief innovation officer planning projects for your company for the year ahead? Or are you a manager assigned to spearhead an innovation project in 2020? Or are you likely to be invited to take part in such a project as a team member? Whatever the case, make sure that you commit enough time to be able to produce meaningful results.



Thai pride

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 15/11/2019

» Thailand is well-known around the world for a number of things: beautiful beaches, great food and extremely friendly people, to name a few. It's also home to a variety of homegrown talent be it in the entertainment industry or elsewhere. Sure, you can probably name a bunch off the top of your head that people go gaga for right here in the country, but there's also a number of them who are pretty well-known internationally, some of whom you may not be aware of. Either way, these are people who are making their motherland proud and whose works are worthy to be celebrated. From make-up artists to cake designers, here are Thais who are getting recognition locally and internationally for their work.