Search Result for “death penalty”

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Being gay: where it can lead to prison or even death

Published on 29/11/2022

» As Singapore lifted a colonial-era ban on sex between men while also taking steps to block marriage equality, AFP looks at dozens of countries that still criminalise the LGBTQ community:



LGBTQ rights across the globe: marriage to the death penalty

Published on 22/08/2022

» Singapore announced on Sunday that it will repeal a law criminalising gay sex but in many other parts of the world homosexuality is illegal and sometimes subject to the death penalty.



Age-old debate on the world's oldest profession

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 25/11/2020

» Should sex work be considered a crime? Thais have debated this for several decades. Prostitution was legal until the Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act was launched in 1960 and later replaced with the current law. Even though 1996 law claimed to protect prostitutes and prevent human trafficking, it had the opposite effect because it still makes sex work illegal.



When the innocent fall victim

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 19/10/2020

» Two years ago, anti-death penalty advocates were surprised by Thailand's first execution in nine years when 26-year-old Teerasak Longji was executed at Bangkok's Bang Kwang Central Prison by lethal injection for aggravated murder.



Fighting for the defenceless

Life, Published on 02/06/2020

» Treated by its owner as a best friend for years, Nomyen has turned into the subject of an animal abuse debate lately. In a viral video last month, the eight-year-old American Pit Bull Terrier was seen being beaten with a slipper, bags of soil thrown at it, and even being held underwater.



Evil personified

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 10/01/2020

» When the terms genocide and war criminals are mentioned, the connections that usually come to mind are the Third Reich and Nuremberg. Japan too, and the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal. Today a permanent process for prosecuting crimes against humanity has been established at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.



Of loss and triumph

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 28/10/2019

» A flat joke on TV, films on katoeys make the national heritage list, and other happenings in the LGBTI community in the past month.