Search Result for “Donald Trump”

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Venezuela leadership duel galvanized by US, Russia rivalry

AFP, Published on 29/03/2019

» CARACAS - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's regime, bolstered by a Russian military deployment infuriating the US, on Thursday announced a ban on Washington-backed self-declared interim leader Juan Guaido holding public office.


The Smollett hate crime case -- and why it won't go to trial

AFP, Published on 28/03/2019

» WASHINGTON - A television actor claims to be the victim of a racist, homophobic hate crime. Chicago police say he staged the whole thing. The chief prosecutor says she believes he is guilty.


US-China trade talks reopen

AFP, Published on 28/03/2019

» BEIJING: The United States and China open the latest round of their trade talks on Thursday as the economic superpowers edge towards a deal to resolve a months-long spat that has rattled the global economy.



Soft power and Trump's 'winning' trade policy

News, Published on 28/03/2019

» The latest US trade data put into stark figures the results of President Donald Trump's "winning" trade policy. Having talked up his tough line on competitors, stopping other countries "ripping off" the US and slashing America's trade deficit, he can now proudly boast … a deficit at its highest level in a decade.


Trump tells Russia 'to get out' of Venezuela

AFP, Published on 28/03/2019

» WASHINGTON - US President Donald Trump demanded Wednesday that Russia remove troops from Venezuela and said again that he was not ruling out military action to topple far-left President Nicolas Maduro.


Facebook bars white nationalism, stepping up hate speech curbs

AFP, Published on 28/03/2019

» SAN FRANCISCO - Facebook announced Wednesday it would ban praise or support for white nationalism and white separatism as part of a stepped-up crackdown on hate speech.


UN Security Council to meet on Golan at Syria's request

AFP, Published on 27/03/2019

» UNITED NATIONS (UNITED STATES) - The UN Security Council will hold an urgent public meeting Wednesday at Syria's request on the US decision to recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli territory, diplomats said.


Dissident group claims responsibility for raid on N. Korea's Madrid embassy

AFP, Published on 27/03/2019

» SEOUL - A shadowy group committed to overthrowing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un claimed responsibility Wednesday for a raid on the reclusive nation's embassy in Madrid last month, saying it shared "information of enormous potential value" with the FBI.


US to speed up astronaut return to Moon: target 2024

AFP, Published on 27/03/2019

» WASHINGTON - Donald Trump's administration announced Tuesday it was speeding up plans to send US astronauts back to the Moon, from 2028 to 2024, calling for a "spark of urgency" to prevail over delays that have plagued NASA's lunar return plans.


Golan Heights show conquest still an option

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 27/03/2019

» When President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Monday affirming Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, there was an outcry that went far beyond the Arab world. His action went against the international rule on the "inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force", we were told -- conquest, in less lawyerly language. Alas, that is just an ideal, not a hard-and-fast international law.