Search Result for “day pass”

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From Fleet Street to the Big Chilli

Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/05/2024

» It came as a shock to learn that long-time friend and colleague Colin Hastings died on Monday in Bang Saray when he suffered heart failure and the car he was driving collided with a wall. He was 73. Here are a few personal memories of Colin, best known as publisher of Big Chilli magazine.


Shaking off the laundromat blues

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 26/03/2023

» In last week's item concerning boutiques I wondered whether their influence could extend as far as the world of laundromats. My thanks to reader Jenifer Divine in Hamburg for informing me that in the German city's St Pauli district there is a laundromat dedicated to Jimi Hendrix which just about gives it boutique status.



A big farewell to a fine Thai journalist

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 09/10/2022

» It was sad to learn of the passing of former Bangkok Post colleague Anussorn Thavisin earlier this week at the age of 79. I had known Anussorn for 50 years and apart from him being a really nice chap with a lovely sense of humour, he was also an accomplished journalist widely admired by everyone in the profession.


Job vacancy: Must be good at promises

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/05/2022

» This time next week the good citizens of Bangkok will be choosing the person daft enough to want to be the next governor of the angelic metropolis known as Krungthep. Amazingly there are 31 otherwise perfectly sensible, intelligent people prepared to take on this thankless task.


You can't beat mangoes and sticky rice

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 08/05/2022

» I was tucking into some delicious khao nieo mamuang (mangoes and sticky rice) at a friend's house the other day and the conversation inevitably turned to teenage Thai rapper Milli, (Danupha Khanatheerakul) and her eye-catching performance at the Coachella music festival in California.


An unforgettable taste of romance

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 13/02/2022

» In Thailand the silly season is never far away and things usually get even more daft around Valentine's Day, which happens to be tomorrow. However, the festival has taken bit of a hit in recent years courtesy of Covid. With kissing, canoodling, caressing, cuddling, snogging and hugging generally frowned upon by authorities the occasion has inevitably lost a lot of its romance.



A country so different to anywhere else

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/08/2021

» The dramatic events in Afghanistan inevitably sparked memories of my own brief experiences of the country more than 50 years ago while on an overland trip from London to New Delhi and beyond.


New passport, pity about the mug shot

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 25/04/2021

» A fortnight ago I picked up my new British passport. It was pleasing to see it had gone back to the traditional black colour and a similar size to the burgundy EU passports Brits have experienced for three decades. Alas, I probably won't be using it very much.


The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/11/2019

» Every now and again in Bangkok something triggers memories of childhood days in England. Not far from my current residence a condominium is going up called the Glendale, which was the name of my local cinema back home in Reading.



Mutiny that sparked a bounty of films

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 28/04/2019

» Today is April 28, and out of curiosity I checked to see if anything of historical significance had taken place on this day through the ages. The answer is... not a lot.