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Last seen online

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 14/01/2022

» We are a few weeks into 2022 and I suspect many of us are still trying to grapple with the events of 2021. Heck, some of us may still be dealing with 2020! Time, however, waits for no one. We’re almost to the halfway mark of January (gasp) so we need to prepare ourselves for the rest of the months to come and if you don’t know where to start, Guru has you covered. From fun games that chillax you to getting the living daylights scared out of you to apps that could help your productivity, your health and even your love life, here are a few things to help you get on track.



Future forward

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 31/12/2021

» Today is the last day of 2021 and depending on when you’re reading this, you may only have a few more hours or even just minutes to say goodbye to the year that’s basically been a repetition of 2020. There have been a number of ups and downs as we went through another lockdown and reopening, but the good news is that we made it: we’re still here and still trudging along, though some of us would really like to get a breather from all the craziness.



World war boom

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/12/2021

» Another year, another Call Of Duty title. The franchise goes back to its roots in World War II and puts you in the shoes of an elite team behind Nazi enemy lines. That's only the campaign though, and COD players know that the mayhem truly begins in multiplayer.



Into the future

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 27/08/2021

» Here's something to rattle your brain: we're now past the halfway point of 2021. It's hard to count days when we find ourselves stuck indoors on an endless loop of never-ending Covid cases, a government that denies reality and protests from people who are fed up and tired of all the crap happening around them.



This is war

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 20/08/2021

» Money Heist, otherwise known as La casa de papel in its native country of Spain, has grown to become an unexpected worldwide phenomenon. Originally planned as a limited two-part series, global streaming service Netflix has catapulted it to international acclaim, which has garnered it millions of fans, who now anxiously await the show's conclusion. With the arrival of the first volume of the final part on Sept 3, Guru speaks to Pedro Alonso, who plays the cunning and seemingly immortal Berlin, about the final episodes.



A fight on all fronts

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/08/2021

» It sucks that we are still in the throes of this pandemic, that people are suffering in all kinds of ways because of it, that incompetence rules the roost when it comes to handling the crisis and it sucks that we are still moaning about it. Though we at Guru have listed things to make lockdown bearable and listed how you could help those in need, it's time to hear from of some the city's professionals on how the state of things has affected their lives.



Father, gentleman, thief

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 11/06/2021

» Mystery shrouded Netflix's original TV show Lupin the first time it was announced as people wondered if this was going to be a modern version of the famous gentleman burglar a la BBC's Sherlock Holmes. But upon its release in January 2020, audiences were more than pleased and riveted at the story of Assane Diop, who employs the fictional thief's strategies, to go after the man who framed his father.



Life in the time of Rona

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 07/05/2021

» It's no mystery that the Covid-19 pandemic has upended the lives of people from all walks of life, all over the world. From children who were looking forward to their first day of school to people in retirement, there's not a single person who hasn't felt the effects of the coronavirus, even if they weren't necessarily infected.



Wellness just for you

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 16/04/2021

» A simple Google search of wellness programmes or retreats will have you bombarded with countless results. It's not at all difficult to book wellness treatments around Bangkok or in the provinces if you feel like doing a healthy getaway. But the numerous options out there can be overwhelming, and unless you take the time to also research what these treatments are, you might end up signing for something that will make you feel worse rather than better. Kamalaya, however, will do all the heavy lifting for you: they'll tailor a programme based on your goals and needs so you get treatments that actually help you. On top of that, it doesn't hurt that it's located on the beautiful island of Koh Samui.



Love in the time of Covid

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 12/02/2021

» It's been over a year since Covid hit and sent the world into an unprecedented time of quarantines and lockdowns. It's affected everyone's life whether it's their jobs, their mental health or their relationships. There's no question that these are trying times for everyone, and while we spend the majority of the time at Guru being all snarky and sarcastic, the stories of kindness and love during the pandemic is enough to warm our cold, scornful hearts. And since St Valentine's Day is just around the corner, we figured that the world could do with a little less snarkiness and a little more love. Though the pandemic has forced us to stay apart, it has ironically also bound us closer together, and these stories are evidence of that. From furry best friends and long-distance relationships to engagements and growing closer to mum, here are a few pandemic love stories to remind you that love is still very much all around even in a pandemic.