Search Result for “selection”

Showing 31 - 40 of 46



Time to prove them wrong

News, Editorial, Published on 04/06/2019

» Tomorrow is one of the most important days in Thai political history, as elected members of parliament (MPs) and senators will be attending a joint meeting to vote for the next prime minister. It's a moment when Thailand's commitment to democracy will be tested.



Politicians must put public first

News, Editorial, Published on 26/05/2019

» The near-derailing of the first session of the House of Representatives yesterday reflects the unhealthy state of the country's national politics in the post-coup era.



Regime is here to stay

News, Editorial, Published on 22/05/2019

» In the aftermath of the March 24 general election, horse trading for cabinet seats among politicians has been ongoing as the two opposing camps make last-ditch efforts to form a coalition government.



Power is the regime's drug

News, Editorial, Published on 15/05/2019

» If power is as addictive as a drug, the military regime must have been overdosed with its latest appointment of its trusted friends and family members who will run the Senate for the next five years and have a say in the selection of at least two prime ministers.



Senate bows to cronyism

News, Editorial, Published on 08/05/2019

» Cronyism and nepotism have finally taken centre stage in Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha's selection of senators, as many critics feared.



Senate selection secrecy bodes ill

News, Editorial, Published on 05/05/2019

» Despite pressing calls for the disclosure of the Senate name list by the people's sector, the government has remained tight-lipped about its choices which will play a crucial role in the appointment of the next prime minister.



Tick tock, it's coalition time

News, Editorial, Published on 26/03/2019

» After a fierce election, the nation is bracing for another power struggle after two arch-rivals -- the pro-military Palang Pracharath (PPRP) and pro-democracy camp led by Pheu Thai, still closely linked to former premier Thaksin Shinawatra -- each won enough votes to seek a coalition.



A step in the right direction

News, Editorial, Published on 23/03/2019

» After almost five years under military rule, the electorate will tomorrow cast their votes in the first general election in eight years. It won't be a vote that will transform the country into genuine civilian-led democratic rule, but the start of a process that can help pave the way for the rebuilding of a true democracy.



EC trips up on trips abroad

News, Editorial, Published on 09/03/2019

» With the Constitutional Court on Thursday disbanding the anti-junta Thai Raksa Chart (TRC) Party, a case filed by the Election Commission (EC), many could now be wondering about progress on complaints lodged with the poll agency against the pro-regime Palang Pracharath Party (PPRP).



Stop Senate picks secrecy

News, Editorial, Published on 07/03/2019

» In stark contrast to the race for Lower House seats in the March 24 general election, the ongoing process of selecting a majority of senators has fallen under the public radar.