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Britain braces for invasion of bed bugs

Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/10/2023

» One English expression my wife often comes up with is "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite". It sounds particularly comforting in her Thai accent, although occasionally she gets in a bit of a tangle with the three "b" words at the end which can be a bit tricky if spoken quickly.



A good time to get the brollies out

Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/10/2023

» After having woken up to the sound of thunderclaps and heavy rain the other morning it seems appropriate to continue with the wet weather theme following last week's in depth column on wellies.



Sad tale of a sycamore and a chainsaw

Roger Crutchley, Published on 08/10/2023

» Every now and again there is a news story that leaves you scratching your head prompting the question "What were they thinking?" That was my reaction on reading of the destruction by vandals of an iconic sycamore tree in the northern England county of Northumberland.



Commander in White House doghouse

Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/10/2023

» It was Harry Truman who reportedly advised would-be presidents: "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog." Perhaps he should have added "as long as it doesn't bite".



A medley of moonlight, stars and pines

Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/09/2023

» The answer to a crossword clue I recently tackled was "Vermont" which immediately triggered memories of the beautiful 1950's song Moonlight in Vermont. When I first heard the tune as a kid it created such an alluring image of moon rays amid sycamore trees I dug out the atlas to find out where Vermont was actually located. It even looked nice on the map, tucked up in the right-hand corner of the US.



Making a name for oneself in Thailand

Roger Crutchley, Published on 17/09/2023

» Last week's PostScript noted how the use of first names or nicknames in Thailand saves everyone a lot of trouble considering the long Thai surnames. However, this does not totally rule out misunderstandings. Many foreigners find their names pronounced in a unique manner, but that's all part of the fun of living in Thailand.



Proud moment for a girl called 'Proud'

Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/09/2023

» It's about time we had some cheerful news and what could be more cheerful than witnessing the wonderful smile of 19-year-old Thai golfer Chanettee Wannasaen after her extraordinary win at the LPGA's Portland Classic last Sunday. Nicknamed "Proud" the Chiang Mai native was beaming as she clutched the large trophy which was almost as big as herself.



It's not easy getting a decent mug shot

Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/09/2023

» There has been some debate in recent weeks concerning mug shots as a result of a high-profile legal case in the United States which readers will be relieved to learn I am not writing about. Suffice to say there is an entertaining variety of expressions in the mug shots, ranging from deep defiance from a certain gentleman, to bemusement from others, while one of them looks like they've just realised they left the kettle on at home.



Jokes aren't what they used to be

Roger Crutchley, Published on 27/08/2023

» It is customary at this time of the year for PostScript to try and lighten up proceedings with what have been voted the best jokes by stand-up comedians at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe which wraps up this week. Unfortunately this year's offerings have been decidedly underwhelming, or perhaps I'm getting a bit too ancient to appreciate modern wit. Anyway, prepare yourself for a few groans.



The train robbery that gripped a nation

Roger Crutchley, Published on 20/08/2023

» Last week on television I watched the two-part series The Great Train Robbery, an intriguing account of the audacious heist that made headlines in Britain all those years ago. It slowly dawned on me that this month is the 60th anniversary of that extraordinary robbery which took place on August 8, 1963, on the Royal Mail train from Glasgow to London. Frightening how time flies.