Search Result for “media”

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Give people a chance to sell their data to FB

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 01/02/2019

» It's easy to be outraged by the revelation that Facebook has been paying users between the ages of 13 and 35 up to US$20 (624 baht) a month to allow practically unlimited access to their smartphone usage data. But outrage about the social media giant is so 2017. The latest dubious practice could be an opportunity to consider a more finely tuned business model.



Putin lacks the clout to cut isles deal with Abe

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 24/01/2019

» The window of opportunity for Russia and Japan to officially end World War II with a peace treaty narrowed again after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to Moscow on Tuesday failed to end in a breakthrough. There's still time for Mr Abe to secure his legacy, but a lot depends on President Vladimir Putin's increasingly shaky domestic standing.



Don't write off Merkel prematurely

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 31/10/2018

» I have warned repeatedly against writing off German Chancellor Angela Merkel as she faced challenge after challenge in recent years. I'm going to issue another such warning now, even though it might seem counter-intuitive given her announcement on Monday that she will give up the leadership of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in December and not run for a parliamentary seat in 2021.



Elon Musk doesn't need more sleep, he needs better sleep

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 22/08/2018

» Last week, Arianna Huffington said Elon Musk's lack of sleep is impairing his performance. "The science is clear," she wrote after Tesla's chief executive officer told The New York Times that he works 120 hours a week, leaving him with little time to rest.


Death, diamonds, Russia and Africa

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 06/08/2018

» The murder of three Russian journalists last week in a remote area of the Central African Republic, the world's poorest country according to the World Bank, has turned a spotlight on what looks like a big Kremlin play for influence and resources in Africa. Where China has spent decades and billions of dollars trying to entrench itself there, Russia is offering its brute force and strong appetite for risk. It's already making headway.



What's scary about Facebook's new troll findings

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 03/08/2018

» Facebook's widely publicised discovery of a possible influence operation through "inauthentic" accounts warrants some scrutiny -- and some reflection about the difference between a genuine political debate on social networks versus its simulated version.



Social media needs bigger clean-up

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 31/07/2018

» The plunge of Facebook and Twitter shares last week shows that both companies are hostages to investors' unrealistic perceptions of how quickly they should grow even as they purge bots and trolls. Moving to eliminate all fake and malicious accounts, as well as making new ones very hard to register, would be scary given these inflated expectations.



Innovation no fix for urban transport ills

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 03/07/2018

» Urban transportation is undergoing a revolution. Offerings such as Uber and Lyft, as well as car- and bike-sharing services are widely believed to reduce congestion and generally make urban dwellers more mobile; driverless cars are expected to provide further benefits. Yet the notion that these innovations always make things better is far from a given: The new services are a net good only if they complement traditional public transportation systems rather than compete with them.



Merkel joins US on trade 'low road'

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 15/06/2018

» After failing to persuade President Donald Trump that punitive tariffs on European imports aren't a good idea, Chancellor Angela Merkel has apparently decided to fight back by taking a page from his playbook and manipulating facts.


EU privacy rules risk giving Google even more power

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 03/05/2018

» The disingenuous way companies are attempting to comply with the letter, not the spirit, of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is only part of the problem with the new privacy rule, which goes into effect on May 25. For publishers already forced to accept Google's near monopoly on programmatic advertising on their sites, the new regulation could make things worse.