Search Result for “election”

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Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 06/03/2020

» Many student protests that were partly set off by the dissolution of Future Forward Party over the past two weeks has also ushered in new hashtags into the lexicon of Thai social media. At the time of writing, it has been reported that there are 28 hashtags associated with campus protests. Some are humourous while others carry strong political stances and sharp gibes. Whether you agree with these students who've chosen to make their voices heard, it's better to get used to their protest hashtags as more student flashmobs are on their way (but many speculate that the designation of Covid-19 as a dangerous communicable disease may be used as a tool to suppress them). Not to mention, an online campaign calling for people to wear black on Fridays as a symbol to oppose dictatorship began last Friday.



555 Headlines

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 29/11/2019

» Looking at your newsfeed can give you a sense of doom and gloom these days. Venice faces its worst flood in 50 years. Koala becomes "functionally extinct" because of the (at the time of writing) ongoing bushfires in Australia. Another Thai factory was shut down and workers were laid off en masse. If you need a break from bad news like I do, you're in luck. Here are three funny headlines -- unintentionally or not -- to lift up your mood.



Two hats not good

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 07/10/2018

» When Bangkok got too noisy because of all the criticism about cabinet ministers taking advantage by openly playing politics unfairly, the general prime minister escaped to the North on another scrupulously non-political trip to give away money and be photographed with every local personality and housewife within 20 kilometres.