Search Result for “failing”

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Why India's airlines fail to take off

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 03/12/2018

» Anyone puzzled by how the Indian economy manages to grow swiftly while somehow failing to be prosperous could do worse than look at the state of India's airlines. Over the past four years, passenger growth in India has been rapid: The number of flights taken has increased between 15% and 20% per year. Demand growth this year is likely to be the highest in the world. Yet the industry itself hasn't benefited. Almost every Indian airline is struggling.


India is hardly a land of opportunity

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 26/09/2018

» India has never been the most egalitarian of societies. But because it's a democracy, governments have at least tried to expand opportunities for its most deprived citizens: After all, their votes count as much as anyone else's. New data suggests those efforts may be failing.


Indians' skills don't match up -- yet

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 16/11/2017

» If India is to live up the expectations of its own people and become a successful middle-income country in a few decades, the country has multiple problems to solve -- its sclerotic politics, its clogged infrastructure, its choked judicial system, its lack of investable capital, its interfering and inefficient state. But perhaps the greatest hurdle is its poor stock of human capital. Without better education, health and skills, India won't be able to build a middle class and its efforts to become the next China can't succeed.