Search Result for “Malaysian”

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PM, a plan and a canal

News, Editorial, Published on 31/10/2018

» Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has taken the right steps over the latest resurrection of the Kra Canal. But that doesn't mean he's going to get much support or win over public opinion on the matter. By ordering two new studies into updated proposals for building the canal, he will get criticism from both sides. Proponents of what they want to call the "Thai Canal" think he is taking too long and opponents of the proposal believe he should do nothing.



Malaysia right over Uighurs

News, Editorial, Published on 15/10/2018

» Malaysia has made a bold move in the continuing conundrum over the fate of refugees and illegal migrants. Last week, the Kuala Lumpur government spurned both the soft requests of Thailand and the harsh demands of China and sent 11 Chinese Uighur refugees to Turkey. The decision to free the 11 was unexpected. The new Malaysian government under Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad was caught between a diplomatic rock and humanitarian hard place and took the more popular way out.



Tiny steps for LGBTI rights

News, Editorial, Published on 12/09/2018

» Just about three months ago, the Justice Ministry's official in charge of the matter promised a new bill to improve the battered rights of same-sex couples. Since then, the government and the Rights and Liberties Protection Department in particular has been tight-lipped. A bill that demands public input and debate has received neither.



One belt, but many burdens

News, Editorial, Published on 05/09/2018

» China has suddenly encountered a number of problems with its grandiose scheme to revive, modernise and then massively expand the Silk Road of old. Not only have several countries questioned and even pulled out of vital parts of the project. Some have rudely questioned the motives of Beijing's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), often and even better known as the One Belt, One Road programme.



Flight report fails mission

News, Editorial, Published on 01/08/2018

» Malaysian investigators have written and released what they initially called a "final report" on the fate of Malaysia Airlines flight 370. Unfortunately, the report added no new information to what caused the aircraft to turn from its scheduled flight plan from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing and then finally crash in a remote part of the Indian Ocean. It was met immediately with both protests and suspicion of cover-up.



Time to rein in pollution

News, Editorial, Published on 25/07/2018

» The government's recent response to public concern over plastic and other pollution has been as tepid as it was disappointing. Faced with real evidence and dramatic cases of ongoing harm, authorities failed to seize the day. The pathetic and heavily documented death of a male pilot whale that choked on 80 plastic bags highlighted what we are doing to the oceans. The case caused experts to emerge to explain the details. The response by the government was a short, barely publicised and utterly failed attempt to stop vendors in some Bangkok wet markets. And even that has now halted.



Good start at nuke summit

News, Editorial, Published on 13/06/2018

» It's a long road from a handshake to peace with nuclear disarmament. That said, the first meeting ever between a sitting US president and the leader of North Korea Tuesday seemed the best first step possible on that road. Neither Donald Trump nor Kim Jong-un has been kidding during the month-long lead-up to their summit. This meeting alone makes war in the region unlikely. The mood between the two men and their advisers spoke well for a peaceful future.



An election of hope

News, Editorial, Published on 11/05/2018

» Malaysian voters finally did it! So did the opposition coalition known as Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope), which on Wednesday managed to overcome racial differences and break the six-decade dominance of the United Malay National Organisation (Umno) at the polls.



Malaysia's vital D-day

News, Editorial, Published on 09/05/2018

» A strong turnout is expected today, when Malaysians vote in the most important election in their history. On the surface, Prime Minister Najib Razak leads the incumbent Barisan Nasional, or United Front coalition against a united opposition, Pakatan Harapan, known as PH, the Alliance of Hope. The drama is intense, as former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad leads the alliance, and has possible victory in his grasp.



A Rohingya crisis redux

News, Editorial, Published on 04/04/2018

» A seemingly simple refugee boat stopover has set off alarm bells among authorities. Last week's Krabi sojourn by 56 Rohingya has revived memories of past atrocities, as well as human trafficking. Police chief Chakthip Chaijinda suspects that the stop at Koh Ha and Koh Lanta by the Rohingya could mark a resurgence of the vicious, murderous trafficking of this minority people.