Search Result for “rates”

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The future is in Africa, and China has a headstart

News, Noah Smith, Published on 22/09/2018

» During the past decade, China has been investing a lot of money in sub-Saharan Africa.


Japan should spend a little less on its well-off elderly

News, Noah Smith, Published on 29/09/2017

» When discussing Japan's debt, most people get caught up in the issue of fiscal solvency. As everyone by now knows, Japan has a very high level of debt versus gross domestic product:


Private equity will do a lot of good for Japan Inc

News, Noah Smith, Published on 22/08/2017

» Back in 2012, I wrote a blog post calling for more private equity in Japan. Japanese companies are held back by a hidebound, inefficient workplace culture. Managers are often grey elder statesmen promoted up through the ranks, instead of dynamic outsiders ready to shake things up. Shareholders are often passive owners, doing little to push companies to raise profitability, while managers build empires instead of focusing on what their companies do best.