Search Result for “killing”

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Tears of joy

Life, Komsan John Jandamit, Published on 24/05/2023

» An initial glance at the graphics and game world of Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom, on the Nintendo Switch, would make anyone think it's just an expensive DLC (downloadable content).



The gloved one - or is it two

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 09/10/2022

» Alan Garcia starts each workday on a cracked plastic stool, hunched over a small vanity mirror, caking on makeup to lighten his skin.



A break-dancing opera singer

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 13/03/2022

» When foreign stars visit the Glyndebourne opera festival in the countryside outside London, it's common for them to participate in some time-honoured English rituals, like sipping Pimm's on the lawn or nibbling on a scone for afternoon tea.



Stranger things

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 09/10/2020

» Everyone loves a good conspiracy. There's a reason why Netflix has a bunch of them ready for you to binge like Unsolved Mysteries, which will rock you to your core at just how completely plausible they are and how they could easily happen to any of us.



A glimmer of hope in dark times

News, Published on 23/02/2020

» The recent wave of shootings and constant fear over the coronavirus recalls what Claudius said in Hamlet: "When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions". And these "battalions" of sorrow have been plunging Thais into deep depression.



Viral clicks that rocked the boat

News, Anucha Charoenpo, Published on 29/12/2018

» In the year 2018, netizens widely used their Facebook pages and other social media platforms to scrutinise matters of public interest ranging from politics and crimes to social issues.



Police threaten young rappers

News, Published on 27/10/2018

» Controversy over a music video, "Prathet Ku Mee" (What My Country's Got), which has been perceived as an attack on the military government, is heating up after police threatened to take legal action against the artists and the production team.



Indonesia mourns as tsunami death toll climbs

Reuters, Published on 01/10/2018

» PALU, Indonesia: The toll from an earthquake and tsunami soared to 832 confirmed dead on Sunday, with authorities fearing the numbers will climb as rescuers grappled to get aid to outlying communities cut off from communications and help.



Thailand in film

Guru, Pasavat Tanskul, Published on 27/07/2018

» It has been a few weeks since the rescue of the Wild Boar soccer team from Tham Luang cave. With the successful and miraculous feel-good news of the rescue, it was inevitable that plans to dramatise the entire ordeal will be made into a movie. Reportedly, six film production companies are in talks with the Thai government and have expressed interest in obtaining rights to make a dramatic movie version of the events.