Search Result for “social contract”

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Unmasking the situation may take a while

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/07/2022

» We are now apparently entering the "post-pandemic era" according to the authorities, which in everyday language means it is not obligatory to wear masks anymore. However, just about everyone is still wearing them so it seems the public are not entirely convinced it's all done and dusted.


Well, after that things can only get better

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 27/12/2020

» What a dreadful year. We found ourselves having to tackle a whole new vocabulary and most of the words were enough to make even the most optimistic among us depressed. It all began in March with "self-isolation", a horrible expression inferring you have become a hermit, hidden away, exiled, incommunicado, which in fact is exactly what we were.


Less fear, more safety the key to tourism restart

News, Published on 30/07/2020

» It's becoming apparent that if Thailand relies on fear to help us overcome Covid-19, it will ultimately be at the expense of our travel industry.



'Forgotten war' strips Kachin of hope

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 14/06/2018

» Myanmar's "forgotten war" in Kachin state has received little public attention despite the scale of the impact it has had on people who have become internally displaced and the casualties caused by the fighting between ethnic rebels and the army.



Let's hear Beijing's take on Thai-Sino rail

News, Anucha Charoenpo, Published on 02/07/2017

» Last Monday a female Chinese reporter asked me why most of the Thai media have a negative attitude towards the Thai-Sino high-speed railway project given the fact that the innovative high-tech train will bring tangible benefits to Thailand and its people along the routes.



People and river's voices sadly ignored

News, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 30/03/2017

» It is a fact that nature has existed long before us. Unfortunately, she has been abused, bullied, and at times treated badly. It has continued that way as, for most of us, nature has no say.