Search Result for “young boys”

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School of redemption

Life, Father Joe Maier, Published on 22/10/2018

» Long ago, on their way home from the slum slaughterhouse, a half-dozen Klong Toey lads stopped in at a new neighbourhood "beer hall" to enjoy a pint. It was three in the morning and they had just finished butchering their night's quota of pork.



A fire fails to destroy community's spirit

Spectrum, Father Joe Maier, Published on 30/07/2017

» It was early morning, still dark, and "old granny", as the neighbours nicknamed her to distinguish her from a younger granny also living alone in the next-door shack, was saying her morning prayers by candlelight.



Master Gaw finds refuge

Spectrum, Father Joe Maier, Published on 05/03/2017

» That wasn't like Master Gaw. He was the toughie of the second kindergarten class, as rough and tumble as any four-year-old boy in our Klong Toey slums. Not afraid of ghosts that might lurk in a dark corner or under the bed. The kid feared nothing.



Tragedy of a street kid success

Spectrum, Father Joe Maier, Published on 29/05/2016

» Why tell this story? Why take the effort to try and remember an 18-year-old street kid who drowned in the Chao Phraya River, half snockered on drugs? So, even though dying and drowning were the last things from his mind, drown he did, die he did. And it was kind of his own fault.


Slum pioneer swept away to victory

Spectrum, Father Joe Maier, Published on 01/06/2014

» Auntie Boon Mee looks and carries on in life pretty much how you’d expect a high-class Klong Toey slum pioneer woman to look and carry on.


Miss Mott's Slaughter House survival

Spectrum, Father Joe Maier, Published on 17/11/2013

» This is the harsh story of our own Miss Mott and the home-grown, inbred violence and drug savagery that seeped into Klong Toey's Slaughter House a few years back. Miss Mott was Slaughter House-born in the Year of the Rabbit _ the most gentle of creatures _ destined never to hurt anyone or anything but with predators all around.