Search Result for “year”

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Modern world leaders are just walking cliches

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 30/07/2019

» One of the most striking things about Boris Johnson, who became UK prime minister, is how precisely he fits the stereotype of the eccentric upper-class Brit. With his elevation, Britain joins several major nations led by people who embody their national stereotypes and not the best of them at that. However, it could be argued that it's leaders defying such cliches who take their countries forward.


Is there a case for universal basic income?

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 11/02/2019

» The first results of Finland's two-year experiment with a universal basic income are in, and if they're confirmed by further research, they will probably hurt the unconditional income cause. The trial run showed that "money for nothing" makes people happier but doesn't inspire them to find work any more than traditional unemployment benefits would.



Putin lacks the clout to cut isles deal with Abe

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 24/01/2019

» The window of opportunity for Russia and Japan to officially end World War II with a peace treaty narrowed again after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to Moscow on Tuesday failed to end in a breakthrough. There's still time for Mr Abe to secure his legacy, but a lot depends on President Vladimir Putin's increasingly shaky domestic standing.


A Brexit lesson from the cradle of democracy

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 16/01/2019

» The Macedonian parliament's vote to rename the country and thus remove the biggest obstacle to its integration into Western institutions is evidence that intractable political issues are best resolved through the traditional backroom dealings of representative democracy rather than through the direct expression of popular will.


The year of the woeful world leaders

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 28/12/2018

» The dictionaries have decided on their 2018 words of the year. Oxford picked "toxic". Merriam-Webster went for "justice". Collins chose "single-use". However, I'd zero in on "misgovernment". Surely, 2018 saw a number of countries misruled by the worst crop of world leaders in recent memory.


How to stick it to Europe: scrap Brexit

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 06/12/2018

» The top European court now is highly likely to rule that the UK can cancel Brexit unilaterally. For all the domestic political hurdles such a move would face, it's intriguing to ponder how Europe would take it if the UK did cancel Brexit, and what the consequences would be for the European Union.


Merkel tries not to go out with a bang

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 16/11/2018

» It could have been a call for decisive action by a leader no longer tethered by domestic politics. But German Chancellor Angela Merkel's appearance at the European Parliament on Tuesday was nothing of the sort: Ms Merkel unbound is the same cautious, gradualist Merkel.


Europe is helping Uber to improve

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 03/10/2018

» On Monday, Uber returned to Dusseldorf, Germany, a city it was forced to abandon in 2015. This is a victory both for German regulators and for Uber, or rather, for its new version under Chief Executive Dara Khosrowshahi. It shows that the San Francisco-based company can actually function as a tech platform, rather than as a taxi business that pretends to be a tech platform.



Elon Musk doesn't need more sleep, he needs better sleep

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 22/08/2018

» Last week, Arianna Huffington said Elon Musk's lack of sleep is impairing his performance. "The science is clear," she wrote after Tesla's chief executive officer told <i>The New York Times</i> that he works 120 hours a week, leaving him with little time to rest.


Death, diamonds, Russia and Africa

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 06/08/2018

» The murder of three Russian journalists last week in a remote area of the Central African Republic, the world's poorest country according to the World Bank, has turned a spotlight on what looks like a big Kremlin play for influence and resources in Africa. Where China has spent decades and billions of dollars trying to entrench itself there, Russia is offering its brute force and strong appetite for risk. It's already making headway.