Search Result for “year”

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Harsh US economic blockades risk provoking war

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 03/07/2019

» US President Donald Trump has based his foreign policy on a series of harsh economic blockades, each designed to frighten, coerce, and even starve the target country into submitting to American demands. While the practice is less violent than a military attack, and the blockade is through financial means rather than the navy, the consequences are often dire for civilian populations. As such, economic blockades by the United States should be scrutinised by the United Nations Security Council under international law and the UN Charter.



Will US economic illiteracy trigger a trade war?

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 24/04/2017

» Nearly 100 days after US President Donald Trump took office, he and his commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, continue to commit an economic fallacy that first-year economics students learn to avoid. They claim that America's current-account deficit (or trade deficit), which is in fact the result of America's low and falling saving rate, is an indicator of unfair trade practices by Germany and China, two current-account surplus countries. Their embrace of economic ignorance could lead to disaster.



Need for change clear as UN turns 70

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 23/08/2015

» The United Nations will mark its 70th anniversary when world leaders assemble next month at its headquarters in New York. Though there will be plenty of fanfare, it will inadequately reflect the UN’s value, not only as the most important political innovation of the 20th century, but also as the best bargain on the planet.


China takes over as new global leader

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 29/11/2014

» The biggest economic news of the year came almost without notice: China has overtaken the United States as the world's largest economy, according to the scorekeepers at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). And, while China's geopolitical status is rising rapidly, alongside its economic might, the US continues to squander its global leadership, owing to the unchecked greed of its political and economic elites and the self-made trap of perpetual war in the Middle East.


Let the Middle East govern itself

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 05/09/2014

» It is time for the United States and other powers to let the Middle East govern itself in line with national sovereignty and the United Nations charter. As the US contemplates yet another round of military action in Iraq and intervention in Syria, it should recognise two basic truths.


Ebola shows need for health rethink

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 19/08/2014

» The horrific Ebola epidemic in at least four West African countries (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria) demands not only an emergency response to halt the outbreak; it also calls for rethinking some basic assumptions of global public health.


US must end dangerous policy of Middle East meddling

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 05/09/2013

» As the US Congress considers whether to authorise American military intervention in Syria, its members should bear in mind a basic truth: While Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has repeatedly used extreme violence to retain power, the United States _ and other governments in the Middle East and Europe _ share responsibility for turning Syria into a killing field.


Military must reinstate Morsi to ensure Egypt stability

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 17/07/2013

» Putting an end to Egypt's deepening polarisation and rising bloodshed requires one urgent first step: the reinstatement of Mohamed Morsi as Egypt's duly elected president. His removal by a military coup was unjustified. While it is true that millions of demonstrators opposed Mr Morsi's rule, even massive street protests do not constitute a valid case for a military coup in the name of the "people" when election results repeatedly say otherwise.


Network would mobilise technology to save our planet

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 28/08/2012

» Great social change occurs in several ways. A technological breakthrough _ the steam engine, computers, the internet _ may play a leading role. Visionaries, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, and Nelson Mandela, may inspire a demand for justice. Political leaders may lead a broad reform movement, as with Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal.


Floods and drought highlight summer of climate truth

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 31/07/2012

» For years, climate scientists have been warning the world that the heavy use of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) threatens the world with human-induced climate change. The rising atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, a byproduct of burning fossil fuels, would warm the planet and change rainfall and storm patterns and raise sea levels. Now those changes are hitting in every direction, even as powerful corporate lobbies and media propagandists like Rupert Murdoch try to deny the truth.