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Last seen online

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 14/01/2022

» We are a few weeks into 2022 and I suspect many of us are still trying to grapple with the events of 2021. Heck, some of us may still be dealing with 2020! Time, however, waits for no one. We’re almost to the halfway mark of January (gasp) so we need to prepare ourselves for the rest of the months to come and if you don’t know where to start, Guru has you covered. From fun games that chillax you to getting the living daylights scared out of you to apps that could help your productivity, your health and even your love life, here are a few things to help you get on track.



Future forward

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 31/12/2021

» Today is the last day of 2021 and depending on when you’re reading this, you may only have a few more hours or even just minutes to say goodbye to the year that’s basically been a repetition of 2020. There have been a number of ups and downs as we went through another lockdown and reopening, but the good news is that we made it: we’re still here and still trudging along, though some of us would really like to get a breather from all the craziness.



The 2021 Guru awards

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 24/12/2021

» As the year comes to a close and we're all looking back at the past 12 months with introspection, at Guru we will stick to time-honoured tradition of being reflectively snarky. Like any other year, 2021 had no shortage of cringe-worthy and WTF moments. So before we head into the new year with resolutions we'll give up on halfway through the first month of 2022, let's roll out the metaphorical red carpet as we award moments from the eventful year. It's time for this year's edition of the Guru Awards.



World war boom

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/12/2021

» Another year, another Call Of Duty title. The franchise goes back to its roots in World War II and puts you in the shoes of an elite team behind Nazi enemy lines. That's only the campaign though, and COD players know that the mayhem truly begins in multiplayer.



Let there be light

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/12/2021

» As the holiday season ramps up, parts of Thailand are transforming into centres of celebration for Christmas and New Year. More accurately, there will be more IG-worthy places for a limited period of time. Malls have set up Christmas trees while a number of light installations around the country are set to give visitors a little light in the otherwise dark and difficult period we've all been through these past couple of months. If you're looking to visit one of these places for some holiday cheer but don't know where to start, Guru has you covered.



Camping cosmos

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/11/2021

» T  hailand has officially entered the cold season -- well, at least it's cold for those of us who live in the Kingdom. According to the Thai Meteorological Department, the "winter" (quotations as Thai "winter" isn't really winter at all) began on Nov 2 with the coldest days occurring in the latter half of December all the way until the end of January. For city-dwellers, it's predicted that we'll be enjoying the "extreme" minimum temperatures of around 15C to 16C, though we'll believe it when we feel it. However, the cold season signals the perfect time to take a camping trip especially up North where temperatures are expected to go as low as 6C or 7C. Brrrh. So unearth those fur coats and start buying camping gear for a cool road trip. Pun intended. It's time to go camping and Guru's got spots picked out for you.



Coming full circle

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 22/10/2021

» Bangkok has finally sprung back to life! People are venturing outside, Asoke and Siam are once again centres of headache-inducing traffic jams and dining-out is an option again. But we also shouldn't forget about shopping and while it was technically possible even during semi-lockdown, it's different now that we can go outside with relative ease. However, as we ready our wallets -- or perhaps credit cards because cashless is the way ahead -- to go on a post-lockdown shopping spree, we can also consider buying from places that help the environment and reduce waste. Whether it's buying pre-loved items or selling or donating the stuff in our closet that we've barely used, there are many avenues in the city to do just that, like Ikea Bang Yai's brand new Circular Shop. Here are a few ways you can shop 'til you drop and at the same time help make the city a greener place.



A city getaway

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 15/10/2021

» Travelling to a nearby province for a beach or a tranquil mountain stay is great, but just staying in the city offers as much as all the trappings of a getaway. Maybe you just want to stay within the confines of the hotel to relax and enjoy what they have to offer rather than go out exploring while huffing in a mask. If a wonderful city staycation is what you're after then Centara Grand at CentralWorld's "The Place to Be" package has pretty much everything you need.



The DIY revolution

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 15/10/2021

» The latest entry to the Far Cry franchise takes you on yet another journey of liberating a location from the clutches of a villainous madman. While the game remains largely similar to its predecessors, there are a few additions that make Far Cry 6 an enjoyable chaotic good time.



Now showing

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 08/10/2021

» Cinemas are back! After another semi-lockdown that forced cinemas to close, we can finally enjoy a proper movie-going experience again. Sure, it might be capped at 50% capacity and you can only sit with one person beside you instead of the classic cinema experience of having your girlfriend on your left while a dude who munches popcorn loudly is on your right. Sigh, nostalgia! But we'll take what we can get for now. Though it's easy to simply go to the nearest mall to go to the cinema, we're spotlighting places that offer a different experience. These indie cinemas deserve as much love as any of the multiplexes do. After losing iconic places like Scala and Bangkok Screening Room, we should do what we can to keep these cinemas alive. Get the popcorn and settle in. It's time to go back to the movies.