Search Result for “woman run”

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The presidential poll isn't perfect. Vote anyway

News, Published on 31/08/2023

» Predictability is the name of the game in Singapore's elections. The ruling People's Action Party (PAP) and its candidates always win handsomely. And while their margin of success is the envy of political parties and politicians the world over, for the PAP every single point counts. It is a sign of just how satisfied Singapore's 3.5 million or so citizens are with the ruling party. And a signal of whether longevity and legitimacy amount to the same thing.



Spain, Germany cases rise; UK PM remains in ICU: Virus update

Published on 08/04/2020

» Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the start of a turnaround in the fight against the virus could come after this week.



Italy tests lockdown; global cases near 110,000: Virus update

Published on 09/03/2020

» Italy started its first working day after a government decree sought to curb movement within the country’s financial hub. Germany plans to boost investment to help its economy and the Trump administration is drafting measures to blunt the economic fallout from the outbreak.



Enforcement first

News, Postbag, Published on 03/08/2019

» Re: "Need for speed will not help solve gridlock", (Opinion, Aug 2).



Hillary Clinton may have lost, but women still won

News, Published on 16/11/2016

» There will be the temptation to see Hillary Clinton's defeat as evidence that a woman can't rise to the top. If we're not careful, the dominant gender will whisper in the backroom, let's not nominate one of them again.



Women seen as effective suicide bombers

News, Tobin Harshaw, Published on 12/04/2016

» On a list of history's most notorious assassins, alongside John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald and Gavrilo Princip, the name Thenmozhi Rajaratnam would probably draw mostly blank stares. But in her way, the Tamil Tiger terrorist -- who blew up herself, the Indian leader Rajiv Gandhi and 13 others in May 1991 -- has perhaps had the largest lasting influence.


Required reading in an age of global uncertainty

News, Published on 05/01/2016

» The global economy is not just unusually fluid, it also is being jolted: from above, by economic uncertainties, domestic political polarisation and geopolitical threats; and from below by disruptive technologies in an ever-expanding number of industries.