Search Result for “water resources development”

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Is lower growth a 'sustainable' blessing in disguise?

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 04/02/2015

» Economic numbers and growth prospects seem to make few people happy these days. But unless we are among the desperately poor or unemployed with few prospects of changing our lot, perhaps we should not feel bad. 


For Thailand, 'midway' is the better way

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 06/03/2013

» Over the years, among the books that I have strongly recommended are two written by Professor Jared Diamond _ Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, and Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or to Succeed. Both have been translated into Thai. For those who cannot spare the time to read these rather hefty books, brief excerpts can be found in the book entitled Kalapiwat.



Sufficiency economy, our solution

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 01/08/2012

» Over the past two years, I have occasionally referred to the notion of sufficiency economy - a term translated from Thai after His Majesty the King first uttered it publicly on Dec 4, 1997.


A question for Bill Gates about resources

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 01/02/2012

» Truth be told _ I am a fan of Bill Gates; thus I am more interested in what he says and does than whatever comes out of politicians during the week of the World Economic Forum in Davos.


From the year of fury to the year of doom?

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 05/01/2012

» With a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hitting Japan in March, causing vast destruction and leaving nearly 20,000 people killed or missing, 2011 should register as one of the years that the four elements _ earth, air, fire and water _ had unleashed its most destructive fury.