Search Result for “vietnam”

Showing 71 - 80 of 184



Leaders must stand together

News, Editorial, Published on 14/04/2020

» Heads of government of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), this year chaired by Vietnam, are to hold a summit today, with Covid-19 preparedness and response the paramount issue.



A Wuhan in the making?

News, Editorial, Published on 21/03/2020

» The Chinese government may have closed down the wet market in Wuhan where the coronavirus is believed to have originated. But in the heart of Bangkok, a "Wuhan in the making" continues to operate as usual at Chatuchak Weekend Market, where trade in wild animals has taken place for years.



'Crisis' plan is censorship

News, Editorial, Published on 19/02/2020

» If the measure proposed by Digital Economy and Society Minister Buddhipongse Punnakanta to have state agencies dictate news coverage during "times of crisis" is adopted, it could further undermine press freedom and people's right to information.



Hun Sen must take heed

News, Editorial, Published on 14/02/2020

» In his quest for absolute control and to prolong his stay in power, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has turned the country into a de facto one-party state and prepared his eldest son for a dynastic succession. This quest has been pursued at the cost of his people's political and civil rights.



Visa move will stem outbreak

News, Editorial, Published on 01/02/2020

» The proposal by Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul to suspend visas-on-arrival for Chinese travellers should be greeted as a measured, rational and necessary step to contain the spread of Wuhan coronavirus. However, the need for practical preventive measures should not be seen as a free pass to unleash xenophobia against Chinese people.



Anti-graft mission failing

News, Editorial, Published on 28/01/2020

» Thailand's slide down the Corruption Perception Index ranking from 99 to 101, while a disappointment, comes as no surprise.



Don't forget 'disappeared'

News, Editorial, Published on 21/12/2019

» One year ago this month, Thai activist Surachai Danwattananusorn disappeared mysteriously from his residence in the Lao capital of Vientiane, while the bodies of his two aides were found in the Mekong River. Also, seven years ago this month, Lao activist Sombath Somphone suffered a "forced disappearance" in Vientiane.



Building on health gains

News, Editorial, Published on 12/12/2019

» Today, Thailand celebrates UN-designated Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day with a success story to share with other countries, near and far.



Mekong left starving

News, Editorial, Published on 06/12/2019

» Known for its signature reddish-brown waters, the Mekong River recently turned a bright blue in some parts. Its crystal-clear water may be beautiful to look at, but this change is a symptom of a sick and starving river. For ecologists and observers, it will be too naive not to point the finger at the usual suspects -- dams.



Charter stokes downturn

News, Editorial, Published on 02/12/2019

» The government can blame its trouble in dealing with the economic slowdown and its recent defeat in a Lower House vote on one thing -- the 2017 constitution.